
Feb 23, 2025, 23:29
2021 Gold Medal Classroom Article Index

2021 Gold Medal Classroom Article Index

06 December 2021

A year’s worth of trusted teaching resources to support culinary instructors.

By Lisa Parrish, GMC Editor
Feedback & comments: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

feature chef 4There is no questioning the facts: Gold Medal Classroom (GMC) is wrapping up another year as a culinary educator’s one-stop-shop for relevant culinary resources.

Every issue is brimming with reliable information focusing on culinary arts topics such as foodservice innovations, trending ingredients and improvements in teaching methods. Expert chef educators such as Paul Sorgule, Adam Weiner, Dr. Jennifer Denlinger and Amanda Miller discuss their firsthand knowledge of subjects relevant to high school and college culinary educators.

Miss a month and you may have bypassed valuable, useable information. Many articles contain links to additional resources such as websites, lesson plan resources like PDFs, and videos helpful in classroom instruction. Additionally, GMC posts stories about new CAFÉ initiatives such as CAFÉ Talks Podcast, Coffee with CAFÉ webinars and information on training opportunities around the country.

Look in your email for the edition announcement informing you of the new monthly publication posted on the website CafeMeetingPlace.com. If you are not receiving these emails, click here to register for the notice. You won’t miss another educationally inspiring GMC story in 2022!


Culinary Education Teaching Feature Articlesfeature sweet heat Honey Butterfly Tea Soda 27 small

Foodservice Trends Feature Articles

Ingredient Feature Articles

Miscellaneous Feature Stories

50 MINUTE CLASSROOM by Chef Adam WeinerAdam Weiner

  • January – Basic foodservice economics: Instructors know students do not understand foodservice economics when the class disbelievingly shakes their heads at the profit earned for $100 in sales.
  • February – Understanding the basics of seasonings and spice blends. What salt percentage is in your favorite seasoned salt and which pepper varieties are used in ground black pepper?
  • March – Teaching OSHA basics including knife safety, non-COVID-19 related PPE, lifting and climbing, and the importance of call outs. Part one of a two-part series.
  • April – Teaching OSHA safety in culinary programs part two. Teaching the basics of using unfamiliar equipment, burns and heat exhaustion, carts and speed racks, fire safety and evacuations.
  • May – You are more important than you think. Student competitors remind instructors that teaching goes beyond textbook lessons.
  • June/July – Facilitating mentor relationships for your female students can have a positive and lasting impact on their hospitality and culinary careers.
  • August – Beginning the school year with engaging activities including games and discussion ideas.
  • September – It’s time again to do things differently. Reviewing your teaching methodologies with an eye toward the future.
  • October – New recipe tricks of the trade. Specific steps students should take when receiving, writing or scaling new recipes.
  • November – Building a better charcuterie board. Instruct students on balancing flavor, texture and variety on charcuterie boards and garnishes.
  • December – Ending the year on a high note. Test your knowledge with a fun food quiz for students and instructors alike.

THINK TANK by Chef Paul SorguleSorgule2 small

  • January – From uncertainty comes opportunity for those willing to learn from the past and cut new trails. 2021 is a time for an industry’s rebirth.
  • February – What are the future career tracks for culinary graduates? Anticipate change, prepare for it, and stay ahead of the market that will never slow down for us.
  • March – Hands-on training opportunities created during the pandemic when educational culinarians pivoted from feeding on-campus restaurant goers to feeding the food insecure.
  • April – Ensuring your program is not directionally challenged. Pushing your program in the right direction requires uniqueness, excellence and educational pride.
  • May – Measuring competence and confidence. Establish a student passport that compliments a degree or certificate and defines a specific skill’s baseline ability.
  • June/July – Will back to normal be normal? This is not the time to hope for a return to the way things were. This is a perfect opportunity for reinvention. 
  • August – Start your engines but keep your foot on the brake. Creating a new post-pandemic normal that doesn’t feel normal.
  • September – Never shy away from reinforcing basic habits that define a cook’s and culinary program’s brand.
  • October – Why do we cook? A student’s answer may define his or her career.
  • November – Leaders and mentors inspire others to dream, learn and do more. It is culinary education’s missing link.
  • December – Determining an educator’s purpose. Building a services portfolio during changing times while serving the underserved.

By Valencia College’s Dr. Jennifer Denlinger, CCC, CHEP

By Culinary Institute of Michigan – Muskegon’s Amanda Miller, CC, CPC


MEET THE GROWERSCows Australia Rancher

  • Pecans in a Nutshell: It takes pecan trees seven years from planting to finally produce nuts. Farmers need to plan – sometimes 35 years ahead – and that is just what the Ivey family did in west Texas.
  • Ranchers attentively work 24 months to sustainably raise grass-fed beef. The meat is on a diner’s table for 10 minutes. “And in those 10 minutes, our months of work come down to how well (a chef) prepares that meal. So, handle it with care.” Australian Rancher Paul Crock
  • Watermelon: Vegetable in disguise or misunderstood fruit?
  • Making moves that make a difference: Striving to become better influences every onion growing and packaging decision at Peri & Sons Farms.
  • Mushrooms: Shining the light on growing mushrooms in the dark.

Click here to read the 2020 Gold Medal Classroom article index.