Sep 1, 2024, 18:26

Bohne of Johnson & Wales University, Denver, Wins Second-Annual “Tuscany to You” Recipe Contest

Marchesi de' Frescobaldi, one of Italy’s leading family-owned wine companies, has chosen Thomas Bohne of Boulder, Colo., as the winner of the 2010 'Tuscany To You' recipe contest. Bohne’s recipe, Lobster, Shrimp with Vanilla Champagne Cream Sauce, beat out hundreds of entries from American home cooks vying for the ultimate epicurean reward: a private dinner for four prepared in the winner’s home by renowned Italian chef Donatella Zampoli.

L’Academie de Cuisine Graduates Nominated for James Beard Foundation Awards

L’Academie de Cuisine (LAC) is proud to announce that two alumni were nominated for the 2011 James Beard Foundation Awards. Chef Nick Stefanelli graduated from LAC’s culinary-arts program in 2001 and completed his externship with Galileo Restaurant under the direction of Chef Roberto Donna. In 2003, he accepted a position at Maestro, a four-star restaurant in Tysons Corner, Va.  Under Chef Fabio Trabocchi, Stefanelli cultivated a talent for cooking and expanded his knowledge of the nuances of Italian cuisine. Stefanelli also staged at Thomas Keller's world renowned French Laundry in Napa Valley in 2004.

Guest Speaker: Twenty-five Years of Culinary-Arts Education

By Mary Petersen

guest_april11CAFÉ’s founder and executive director says combining the worlds of food and education has been the best ride of her life.

Being a guest speaker for “The Gold Medal Classroom” is an opportunity to reflect on, evaluate and possibly predict a particular topic of interest to foodservice instructors. I have had the privilege of this form of dialogue for many years with chefs who have become involved with education as well as educators who jumped (or were pushed) into the culinary-arts arena.

My reflection will be brief: Twenty-five years ago the majority of culinary-arts programs were certificate programs; there were no national standards as to the guidelines for a well-rounded curriculum; and the majority of our education was apprenticeship style (worthy of skills, though not as comprehensive as some liked). The American Culinary Federation stepped up to the plate and committed resources to recognize postsecondary programs that were willing to evaluate what they did against standards, host an on-site team of chefs and educators, and then make changes per the team’s suggestions so as to raise the bar for industry expectations of graduates.

A Peach of a Win

By Brent T. Frei

food4_april11The fifth-annual Student Culinology® Competition at RCA’s 2011 conference exemplified the blending of culinary art and food science.

The student team from Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU) took first-place honors, along with a $5,000 cash award and industry-wide recognition as rising stars in food-product development, at the fifth-annual Student Culinology® Competition, March 3 during the Research Chefs Association’s (RCA) Annual Conference & Culinology® Expo at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. The award was presented at the 2011 RCA Annual Luncheon on March 5.

Each of the finalist teams representing six universities throughout North America shipped in advance a frozen Southern dessert concept featuring peaches, suitable for a family-style chain restaurant. On the day of competition, teams prepared their fresh, “gold standard” item, and in a Culinology® match test, competition judges compared each team’s plated, commercialized dessert to its corresponding freshly prepared dessert against such criteria as ingredient composition/authenticity, flavor/aroma, texture, presentation, professionalism, technical skills, safety and sanitation and overall similarity to the gold standard.

We All Scream for Ice Cream

food3_april11Technomic finds customization, complexity and portions driving frozen-dessert restaurant purchases.

A love affair with ice cream is perhaps just as American as that most iconic of desserts, apple pie—or even more so given the frequency with which we indulge in the creamy treat. More than half of consumers in a recent survey by trend-tracker Technomic said they eat vanilla ice cream at least once a month, and 46% said the same of chocolate.

While vanilla and chocolate dominate the ice -cream category, there are a multitude of milkshakes, sundaes, frozen yogurts, sorbets, gelatos and even tofu-based non-dairy dessert flavors that each has a special place in the hearts of consumers.

According to Mary Chapman, director at Technomic, there are several key factors when it comes to frozen desserts on restaurant menus. “Complexity, customization and portions are all very important. Operators need to differentiate their items from those offered by retailers, and they need to make the offerings available in various sizes to attract diners who are concerned with health, value, or who are simply too full to eat a large dessert.”

Rise, Shine and Eat Healthy

food2_april11Healthier breakfast items are the order of the day as breakfast sales at restaurants rebound.

The most important meal of the day has been a challenge for restaurants over the past few years, faced with economic uncertainty and reduced consumer spend. In order to lure back customers to an already over-crowded breakfast marketplace, restaurant operators will need to give consumers what they want—and according to latest research from Mintel, that’s a healthy breakfast, as 66% of restaurant-goers say they are interested in healthier breakfast options.

Promisingly, Mintel’s research shows breakfast sales are expected to rebound in 2011, resulting in 4.1% growth, and the healthy-eating message is echoed by the 39% of restaurant diners who say breakfast options at their local eateries are too unhealthy. Regardless of the day of the week, two-fifths of consumers who eat breakfast out (39% on weekdays and 40% on weekends) say healthy breakfast options are the most important factor when selecting a breakfast spot.

More Than a Grain of Salt

food1_april11Older Americans consume less sodium than Millennials, but all generations consume more than recommended, particularly according to the new USDA guidelines.

The updated dietary guidelines, recently released by the United States Department of Agriculture, suggest a daily sodium intake of 2,300 milligrams for the average person, and 1,500 milligrams for ages 50+, but according to a new report from The NPD Group, a leading market-research company, all generations consume above those recommendations.

Seniors, born before 1946, and older Boomers, born 1946-1955, are on average consuming 2,912 mg. and 3,199 mg. of sodium daily, respectively, according to the report entitled “Sodium Concerns and Opportunities.” While still above the guidelines, these are the lowest levels seen among the generations. These age groups, which have a higher incidence of high blood pressure and other heart-health-related issues, also commonly check nutrition labels for sodium levels in the products they buy.

Chefs Speak Out: A Calling, à la Hawaii

By John Paul Khoury, CCC,,

chef_april11An interview with Jackie Lau, corporate chef of Roy’s Restaurant Group.

Jackie Lau began as a pastry chef at Roy’s Restaurant in Honolulu, her first job out of culinary school. She quickly mastered Hawaiian fusion cuisine and became chef de cuisine; later, Roy Yamaguchi sent Lau to open his restaurants in Japan and Guam. Lau has participated in many prestigious culinary events including the Aspen Food and Wine Festival, The James Beard House and The World Gourmet Summit. She has had the opportunity to cook with some of the best chefs in the world, including Emeril Lagasse and Wolfgang Puck. Lau was featured on the TV series “Great Chefs of the World.” Here is her story:

What drew you to the industry and why become a chef?
Well, I‘ve actually always wanted to be a chef; in fact, I told my folks when I was 4 years old that I wanted to be a chef! I am from a Mexican/German background and was raised on excellent food, especially Mexican fare. I grew up on a farm in California’s central valley outside of Merced. We raised a lot of our own food, always had people over, everyone in my family loved to cook—food and hospitality was really an integral part of my everyday life from early on. This farm lifestyle also really prepared me for the restaurant business in that it was a lot of work, so you get used to working hard, but also raising your own food gets you used to a certain elevated quality of product, which translates well into the restaurant industry, especially when you are focused on quality fine dining.

Mayo’s Clinic: Organizing Review Sessions

By Dr. Fred Mayo, CHE, CHT

fredmayoA variety of review techniques can help students excel.

Last month, we discussed teaching seminar classes; given the time of year, this month we will talk about review sessions. In some ways, it would be nice to assume that we do not need to organize review activities for our students, and sometimes we don’t need to do it. Some of them are very capable to study and remember material without our help, but many students are not used to or skilled in reviewing material for tests and preparing for other demonstrations of knowledge.

Class Review
In class, there are a number of activities that we can use to help students review materials. One involves making a list of key words or terms and then calling on a student to define the word and apply it to an industry situation—using an example not in the reading—and then calling on a second student to accept the response or correct it. Calling on the second student keeps everyone alert since he or she might be called on in either capacity. An addition to this activity involves calling on a third student to explain the significance of the term or concept. Using the application and significance approaches pushes students to expand their thinking and ensure that they really understand the key ideas or techniques in the course.

Front of House: Don’t Get into Hot Water with Tea

By Wendy Gay, CHE

foh_april11More diners demand that their tea service show an understanding of style and quality. Good news is that programs are now available for training and credentialing.

A significant trend in dining today is the re-emergence of the popularity of tea. Tea is no longer just the stuff of grandmothers. Million-dollar deals are now being consummated over afternoon teas in some of the nation’s top hotels.

Not just an alternative to coffee, tea can claim health benefits such as vitamin content and high levels of antioxidants and polyphenols, and has a history as medicine. Everywhere you look, people today are drinking more tea.