Gold Medal Classroom

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Lesson Plan: Get Creative with Potatoes

Saturday, 01 October 2011 19:02

lesson_oct11An e-learning module focusing on Americans’ favorite vegetable.

Courtesy of

As the demand for lighter, healthier menu options and bold global flavors continues to grow, more and more chefs are turning to the potato as the perfect canvas for menu innovation. Why? Because potatoes are a familiar, versatile vegetable that can stand up to today's big flavors and eye-catching presentations. They're available in all kinds of exciting new varieties. And they have a remarkable nutrition story to tell. Diners love potatoes, and they demand health, variety and novelty. Now, they can have it all.

Through The Culinary Institute of America’s ProChef e-learning, “Get Creative with Potatoes” presented by the U.S. Potato Board discusses today’s potatoes—and how, now more than ever, they can put chefs at the forefront of menu trends. The module includes menu ideas and recipes, innovative techniques from chefs, instructional videos, potato varieties and nutrition and more.

To access the e-learning module, visit

Green Tomato: What Do You Really Know About Your Food?

Saturday, 01 October 2011 18:57

green_oct11As educators of future culinarians, we have a unique opportunity to help mold the future of the American diet.

By Dana Cox

Particularly since we entered the current recession, there’s been a renewed hue and cry to buy goods that are “made in the USA.” While I wholeheartedly agree with that principle, I find it puzzling that many of those same people think nothing about eating fruit or vegetables that have traveled thousands of miles from far-flung countries before arriving at the local supermarket. The most recent figures from the United States Department of Agriculture show that imports of fresh fruit and vegetables between 1990 and 2006 surged from $2.7 billion to $7.9 billion.

With those imports has come year-round availability of everything from strawberries to rutabagas. That may sound great on the surface, but there are profound environmental and economic consequences. It has also caused us to lose touch with our food, how and where it’s produced, and the whole concept of seasonality. This dawning realization has given rise to the locavore movement that seeks to bring us closer to the food we eat by forging connections with those who produce it. Recognizing that the foods we eat have a tremendous political, environmental, social and health impact, locavores aim to source as much food as possible from a 100-150 mile radius.

Guest Speaker: The Coach in All of Us

Wednesday, 31 August 2011 20:00

guest1_sept11The American Culinary Federation’s 2011 Chef Educator of the Year says success and failure through solo and team competitions helps prepare students for the real-life rigors of the workplace.

By Dina Altieri, CEC, CCE

Maybe I have always been competitive. I can remember wanting to hit a home run every time I got up to bat on the tee-ball field. I can remember my first softball coach encouraging me to be the best I could be at 7 years old.

Coaching is something we do every day as chef educators. We push our students to excel in ways they never thought possible. We have conversations with them about mise en place, professional etiquette and, of course, cooking ability. I vote we take it a step further and encourage them to compete in extracurricular competitions to whet their appetites for what lies ahead in the foodservice industry.

Top Trends from 2011’s The Flavor Experience

Wednesday, 31 August 2011 20:00

food1_sept11Big shifts in U.S. foodways emerging at this year’s conference included “clean” menu descriptions, Korean influences, strategic use of salt and black pepper and “invisibly healthy” indulgence.

Courtesy of Olson Communications


The annual commencement of The Flavor Experience, presented by BSI Conferences, Inc., in strategic alliance with Flavor & The Menu magazine, brings together the top flavor innovators in the food-and-beverage industry.

. The sponsors-only event presents the latest research, trends, menu ideas and hands-on flavor experiences that are relevant to more than 100 leading foodservice operators.


The seventh conference, August 1-4 in Newport Beach, Calif., brought flavor front and center for all conference attendees.

Motivating and Engaging Students

Wednesday, 31 August 2011 20:00

Numerous techniques exist to encourage students, convincing them that they can achieve success if they invest time and effort, and that their work has value.

By Bradley J. Ware, Ph.D., and C. Lévesque Ware, Ph.D.

Students are at times already highly motivated when they enter the lab/classroom due to past successes or an interest in the course topic. There are also those individuals who have not experienced the same positive results or who have a preconceived dislike for a course based on a perceived degree of content difficulty. It is precisely in the interest of both these groups that motivation and student engagement should be of primary importance for the chef/instructor from the very first day of lab/class. It is imperative to retain and foster the enthusiasm of highly motivated students and of dire necessity to help motivate others to achieve success.

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