Gold Medal Classroom

Jul 16, 2024, 14:24

Green Tomato: Sustainability Woven throughout the Curriculum

Thursday, 28 July 2011 09:23

By Christopher Koetke, CEC, CCE

green_july11Colorado State University’s hospitality-management program wins the third-annual CAFÉ/Kendall College Green Award.

From procurement to recycling and composting waste, from introductory classes to senior seminar, for the Colorado State University (CSU) Hospitality Management Program at Fort Collins, Colo., sustainability is always at the forefront of decision-making.

In recognition of those efforts, the program was presented with the 2011 CAFÉ/Kendall College Green Award at the recent CAFÉ Leadership Conference in Providence, R.I. The award included $1,000 from Kendall College, free registration at the conference and a commemorative plaque.

Guest Speaker: The Great Thing about Weddings

Wednesday, 01 June 2011 09:33

By Mike Roman

guest_june11Despite the challenges, we take joy in producing them.

It’s very easy to be a great wedding caterer. All you really need is a talented catering team, empathy, patience and a genie’s magic lamp. You need access to this lantern simply because most caterers get hit with some very challenging “wishes” from the bride, mother of the bride and every vendor associated with the wedding before, during and even after the wedding day.

Sadly, caterers don’t have access to a magic lamp; they must face a constant level of pressure on them while catering this emotion-filled event. Weddings can bring out the worst in customers. They really can’t help themselves because there are no do-overs in weddings. When the chocolate wedding cake promised turns out to be a carrot wedding cake upon cutting, there is no pause button to hit to create the time you need to  make things right.

Top 10 Dessert Trends for 2011

Wednesday, 01 June 2011 09:29 predicts the latest evolutions in the sweet world of desserts.

According to the latest dessert-trends survey by The Food Channel®, more than 80% of respondents have dessert at least once a week, while more than a quarter enjoy it every day. Surprisingly, more than 50% of respondents said they usually make desserts from scratch, with more than 60% saying they make desserts the same way their grandmother did, agreeing it’s all about taste without compromise. Only 26% said they use “light,” low-fat or fat-free ingredients when preparing desserts.

A (Juicier) Reason to Be Inspired by Pork

Wednesday, 01 June 2011 09:26

food3_june11New USDA guidelines lower pork cooking temperature by 15 degrees Fahrenheit, to the delight of chefs and consumers throughout America.

New cooking guidelines from the nation's food-safety agency confirm Pork Checkoff research that shows pork can be consumed safely when cooked to an internal temperature of 145°F, followed by a three-minute rest time. The guidelines were announced in May by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS).

Pressing the Issue of Childhood Obesity

Wednesday, 01 June 2011 09:24

food2_june11The Culinary Institute of America launches Healthy Flavors, Healthy Kids, a national culinary leadership initiative.

A White House chef and a USDA official were among the many children’s nutrition, school foodservice and culinary leaders who presented at the CIA's Healthy Flavors, Healthy Kids National Leadership Summit at the college’s San Antonio, Texas, campus May 11-13.

Healthy Flavors, Healthy Kids, an invitation-only event held in conjunction with the National Restaurant Association, brought together 200 diverse professionals from around the country, including Sam Kass, assistant White House chef and senior policy advisor for healthy food initiatives, and Dr. Janey Thornton, USDA Deputy Under Secretary for food, nutrition and consumer services. Attendees discussed and debated a wide range of issues impacting the quality and flavor of foods for children.

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