Gold Medal Classroom, The Official E-zine for the Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education

Jan 10, 2025, 4:09
November 2020 Issue

November 2020 Issue

Gold Medal Classroom: 
The official ezine for CAFE  |  November 2020 issue


Food Kit 1

Creative food kits spur culinary inspiration during at-home cooking instruction. spur culinary inspiration during at-home cooking instruction.

Selecting healthy nontraditional pasta requires knowledge about differing mouthfeel, flavor and application temperature.

Recipe builder uses flexible ingredients while creatively engineering flavors in global and regional cuisine during remote instruction.

Chef’s Corner Table: Morrison Healthcare Corporate R&D Chef Jeffrey Quasha. Learn how Morrison Healthcare morphed into reformatted café spaces with touch-less delivery systems, online ordering, food lockers and robot salad machines in a few short months due to COVID-19.


Image 018150 Minute Classroom: Virtually teaching delicious, healthy homemade Thanksgiving sides.

Mayo’s Clinic: Helpful tips to stay organized, grounded and efficient when using Zoom in this new instructing reality.

Think Tank: Education is more than a set of objectives. It is a significant time in a person’s life where the experience becomes as important as the building of skills.


online education photos 1Searching for online teaching support? CAFE has what you need. Updated culinary online teaching resources with articles in these categories: culinary instructors offer their online best-practice suggestions; online instruction guidance from utilizing Zoom’s features to managing online discussion groups; lessons, projects and resources; and online education instructor observations.

Jonathan Deutsch 2CAFE TALKS PODCAST:

Discover what it takes to become a flavorist and ideas about retooling culinary education post COVID-19 in the next two CAFÉ Talks podcasts.


CAFÉ’s Industry Resource Center lists more than 80 commodity boards, associations and growers with links to their foodservice web sites. Educators can find classroom visual aids, downloadable materials, blogs, videos and research. Featured industries include meat, poultry, seafood, produce and dairy to name a few.

CAFÉ Teaching Tips:
Teaching tips include how to illustrate for students the importance of following directions and the goal of mise en place. Also, promote higher-level thinking skills such as analysis by giving students altered recipes where they find the inaccuracies..

incredible American Egg Board

CAFE Industry Resource Center Feature:
American Egg Board Special Edition Off-Premise
Videos highlighting top-notch off-premise dining components: preparation-build, flavor and packaging. Culinary instructors teaching updated ideas on creative packaging and tips and tricks will find this special edition a welcome addition.