Gold Medal Classroom

Jul 16, 2024, 12:41

Chefs Speak Out: A Calling, à la Hawaii

Wednesday, 30 March 2011 20:30

By John Paul Khoury, CCC,,

chef_april11An interview with Jackie Lau, corporate chef of Roy’s Restaurant Group.

Jackie Lau began as a pastry chef at Roy’s Restaurant in Honolulu, her first job out of culinary school. She quickly mastered Hawaiian fusion cuisine and became chef de cuisine; later, Roy Yamaguchi sent Lau to open his restaurants in Japan and Guam. Lau has participated in many prestigious culinary events including the Aspen Food and Wine Festival, The James Beard House and The World Gourmet Summit. She has had the opportunity to cook with some of the best chefs in the world, including Emeril Lagasse and Wolfgang Puck. Lau was featured on the TV series “Great Chefs of the World.” Here is her story:

What drew you to the industry and why become a chef?
Well, I‘ve actually always wanted to be a chef; in fact, I told my folks when I was 4 years old that I wanted to be a chef! I am from a Mexican/German background and was raised on excellent food, especially Mexican fare. I grew up on a farm in California’s central valley outside of Merced. We raised a lot of our own food, always had people over, everyone in my family loved to cook—food and hospitality was really an integral part of my everyday life from early on. This farm lifestyle also really prepared me for the restaurant business in that it was a lot of work, so you get used to working hard, but also raising your own food gets you used to a certain elevated quality of product, which translates well into the restaurant industry, especially when you are focused on quality fine dining.

Mayo’s Clinic: Organizing Review Sessions

Wednesday, 30 March 2011 20:29

By Dr. Fred Mayo, CHE, CHT

fredmayoA variety of review techniques can help students excel.

Last month, we discussed teaching seminar classes; given the time of year, this month we will talk about review sessions. In some ways, it would be nice to assume that we do not need to organize review activities for our students, and sometimes we don’t need to do it. Some of them are very capable to study and remember material without our help, but many students are not used to or skilled in reviewing material for tests and preparing for other demonstrations of knowledge.

Class Review
In class, there are a number of activities that we can use to help students review materials. One involves making a list of key words or terms and then calling on a student to define the word and apply it to an industry situation—using an example not in the reading—and then calling on a second student to accept the response or correct it. Calling on the second student keeps everyone alert since he or she might be called on in either capacity. An addition to this activity involves calling on a third student to explain the significance of the term or concept. Using the application and significance approaches pushes students to expand their thinking and ensure that they really understand the key ideas or techniques in the course.

Front of House: Don’t Get into Hot Water with Tea

Wednesday, 30 March 2011 20:26

By Wendy Gay, CHE

foh_april11More diners demand that their tea service show an understanding of style and quality. Good news is that programs are now available for training and credentialing.

A significant trend in dining today is the re-emergence of the popularity of tea. Tea is no longer just the stuff of grandmothers. Million-dollar deals are now being consummated over afternoon teas in some of the nation’s top hotels.

Not just an alternative to coffee, tea can claim health benefits such as vitamin content and high levels of antioxidants and polyphenols, and has a history as medicine. Everywhere you look, people today are drinking more tea.

Green Tomato: The Next Step in the Journey

Wednesday, 30 March 2011 20:21

By Christopher Koetke, CEC, CCE

green_april11Kendall College and NRA Conserve are founding sponsors of the International Foodservice Sustainability Symposium.

For the last few years, you’ve heard me talk about sustainability as a journey, mostly comprised of baby steps, and the opportunity, every once in a while, to take a giant leap. That’s what’s happening with the first-ever International Foodservice Sustainability Symposium (IFSS), May 24-25, 2011, immediately following NRA Show 2011.

Guest Speaker: Our History Is Our Strength

Monday, 28 February 2011 18:48

By Jamie Leeds

guest_march11The president of Women Chefs & Restaurateurs calls on us to acknowledge the achievements of women culinarians and hospitality professionals in recognition of National Women’s History Month.

In 1987, Congress declared March National Women's History Month. A special Presidential Proclamation annually honors the extraordinary achievements of American women. The National Women’s History Project ( based in Santa Rosa, Calif., has declared 2011’s theme “Our History Is Our Strength.”

Women Chefs & Restaurateurs (WCR) was founded in 1993 by Lidia Bastianich, Elka Gilmore, Joyce Goldstein, Johanne Killeen, Barbara Lazaroff, Mary Sue Milliken, Anne Rosenzweig and Barbara Tropp. WCR’s mission then and now is to promote and enhance the education, advancement and connection of women in culinary and hospitality fields. We offer a variety of networking, professional and support services—including a vibrant scholarship/internship program that creates opportunities for future and established professionals to gain needed or desired skills at home and abroad.

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