Gold Medal Classroom

Jul 17, 2024, 4:27

Fusion 3.0, Casualization and Salt!

Thursday, 31 January 2013 13:50

food2_feb13Among menu trends this year, Kraft Foodservice chefs predict that “Food Nationalism” will take root with diners. And 2013 will be the year of the pretzel.

Trend analysis for 2013! What’s on the horizon? Kraft Foodservice’s team of chefs weighs in, giving thoughtful analysis on today’s most accessible trends. See the entire write-up at “Like” Kraft Foodservice at

1. Customization and Food as Experience Merge
Customization and food as experience are two mega trends that are now walking in step with each other. And diners are eating it up.

Craft Beer Sales Soar, Set to Triple by 2017

Thursday, 31 January 2013 11:49

food1_feb13Unlike its domestic and imported-beer counterparts, craft beer has been able to defy overall beer market trends and continue expansion during the economic downturn and subsequent slow recovery. Who’s drinking the most craft beer? Older Millennials.

While the economic downturn has affected consumer spending across many sectors, craft and craft-style beers are defying recessionary trends with an impressive upward trajectory. Indeed, latest research by Mintel on the craft-beer market in the United States shows that sales of craft beer nearly doubled between 2007 and 2012—increasing from $5.7 billion in 2007 to $12 billion in 2012.

Moreover, the trend toward craft-beer options is set to enjoy robust growth through 2017, with Mintel forecasting the segment to grow to $18 billion by 2017—a result that will see the segment tripling in the decade between 2007 and 2017.

“While the craft and craft-style beer category remains a small segment of the $78 billion U.S. beer industry, the category has been able to stabilize the overall beer industry, which has experienced volume declines in the domestic and imported-beer categories since 2008,” says Jennifer Zegler, beverage analyst at Mintel.

Mayo’s Clinic: Using Notes and Journals instead of Blogs

Thursday, 31 January 2013 11:46

fredmayoJohn Dewey taught us that we do not learn from experience, but from reflectingon our experience. While recently this column has focused on the strategic uses of social media in teaching, this month it revisits the traditional tried and true.

By Dr. Fred Mayo, CHE, CHT

Over the past several months, we have been talking about social media, ways to use it in teaching, and advice for our students. This month, we will return to a focus on teaching practices and discuss ways of using notes, journals and reflective papers instead of blogs, the contemporary form of diaries and journals.

For the past year or so, I have required students to participate in a blog on customer service as part of their assignments in the course, Customer Relationship Management. When I asked them recently if they thought the assignment was valuable to them and worth continuing, they indicated that other assignments were more important and useful. They also said they monitor so many professional blogs that this one does not add much to their education. They suggested having students take notes or keep a journal of incidents of customer service, instead. Therefore, I will try that assignment this spring and add the requirement to reflect on what they observed.

50-Minute Classroom: Reading and Writing Recipes

Thursday, 31 January 2013 11:42

weinerChef Weiner offers a solid primer to print out and provide to students, ensuring they’ll understand a recipe fully and be on the look-out for pitfalls before they begin to gather their mise en place.

By Adam Weiner, CFSE

Last month I stressed the importance of not limiting your students to simply learning how to follow recipes or how to cook by technique only. Students need to learn both skill sets. As I mentioned last month, it is important to follow recipes in a commercial kitchen to ensure that no matter when a customer orders something, it will always taste the same, be the same size, and the food costs for each plate will be the same.

The following is what students need to learn about reading and writing recipes. Feel free to copy it and give it to your students. However, you might want to remove the “Note for Instructors” below if you want to use that little trick on your students.

Lesson Plan: Serving Soyfoods

Thursday, 31 January 2013 11:33

lesson_feb13New resources, recipes and menu ideas are available online for students’ use, to teach them to understand how to help consumers make informed food choices—not only during National Nutrition Month in March, but all year long.

Courtesy of the Soyfoods Council

Soyfoods have played an important role in Asian cuisines for centuries. In recent years they have become popular in Western countries because of their nutrition and health properties.

Soyfoods are excellent sources of high-quality protein and provide a healthy mix of polyunsaturated fat. In addition, independent of their nutrient content, there is very intriguing evidence indicating soyfoods reduce risk of several chronic diseases including coronary heart disease, osteoporosis and certain forms of cancer. All individuals are well advised to eat a couple of servings of soyfoods every day.

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