Gold Medal Classroom

Jul 17, 2024, 14:33

Think Tank: A Different View of Grading in Culinary Education, Part I

Thursday, 01 May 2014 03:00

As culinary educators we have a unique opportunity to view student assessment differently—in a way that measures the ability to “demonstrate understanding” vs. the ability to memorize.

Paul Sorgule, MS, AAC

From the day we first enter the educational system in the United States we are introduced to a method of measurement that establishes a feeling of success or failure, winning or losing, those with potential and those without. My beacon for leadership and management, Edwards Deming, viewed this as one of the most significant problems that faced American economic strength from the 1950s till current times.

The American system of education has, to a large degree, been based on telling students what they should know, relegating them to memorizing facts and then testing them on their ability to repeat that information. Successful memorization equals better test scores; better test scores equals a person with potential. Or does it?

Lesson Plan: Knife and Steel Construction

Thursday, 01 May 2014 03:00

Courtesy of Mercer Cutlery

This in-depth lesson plan on knife construction, composition, maintenance/care and proper sharpening of professional knives was presented at the American Culinary Federation’s 2014 Central Regional Conference in St. Louis in March by Chef Chris Parker, business-development coordinator for Mercer Cutlery.  Attendees also enjoyed a technical dive into the world of German knife manufacturing.

Parker has been the corporate chef of Mercer Cutlery for three years. A graduate of Midwest Culinary Institute in Cincinnati, his background includes cooking in restaurants from Ohio to New York.

The level of this lesson plan is intermediate, making it appropriate for culinary-arts students’ professional growth. Download the .pdf file from the hyperlink below. 

Guest Speaker: Heirloom Memories

Tuesday, 01 April 2014 03:00

A veteran culinary educator recalls mingling among “the beautiful people” at the last annual TomatoFest.

By Jim Gallivan, MAT, CCA, CCP, CFBE

Several years ago, I agreed to write a column every two weeks for the Dover Post News. The idea was to bring up some new and intriguing food topics for the community, and to stimulate interest in Atlantic Culinary Academy in Dover, N.H., as a viable academic entity.

The first article, “Foods in the Attic,” was about heirloom produce, specifically tomatoes, and was written prior to my 16th-annual pilgrimage to TomatoFest in Carmel, Calif.—the premier heirloom-tomato event in the world.

Constant readers know that I now work for The Art Institute of Atlanta. (Say “Atlanna.”) And heirloom tomatoes continue the mystery. Wherever they are grown—with variants of soil, weather, water—they all implicate and intrigue. So, another journey westward for TomatoFest No. 17.

TomatoFest is an invitational event. While I reveled in being one of the 65 chosen ones (mostly chefs from the Monterey Peninsula and the Bay Area),I did enjoy being one of“Inner Circle.”  What that meant is that I saw colleagues from the very beginnings of the event, and enjoyed a few fringe benefits, as well.

Culinary Educators Dish on the Next Generation of Chefs

Tuesday, 01 April 2014 03:00

New survey reveals the focus of today’s culinary education

A new study by Culinary Visions® Panel surveyed culinary educators and students about topics, techniques and trends that are being taught in culinary-arts programs around the country. 

Culinary instructors feel that local and sustainableare the menu-development imperatives for today’s chef to understand. Classic preparation methods are important, yet modern cooking techniques are also on the curriculum.

Today’s culinary students are learning about traditional and unconventional foodservice venues and working with ingredients from around the world to gain an understanding of authentic ethnic and ethnic-inspired foods. Students are also being challenged to create delicious menus that hit important health and wellness goals.

Following are trends that industry professionals believe are important to culinary students:

New Book by Johnson & Wales U. Educators Offers Teaching Tools and Tips

Tuesday, 01 April 2014 03:00

Due to release June 1, Culinary Educators’ Teaching Tools & Tips written by Colin P. Roche, Bradley J. Ware and Claudette Lévesque Ware is the first text of its kind.

By Brent T. Frei

At this year’s CAFÉ Deans and Directors Retreat in Chicago in February, Dr. Colin Roche, CEC, CCE, FMP, CHE, ACE, announced the pending release of a new book, Culinary Educators’ Teaching Tools & Tips (ISBN: 978-1-4652-4398-0, $45.00). An associate professor and the department chair for the College of Culinary Arts at Johnson & Wales University in North Miami, Fla., Roche co-wrote the book with Dr. Bradley J. Ware, CCC, CCE, a professor in the College of Culinary Arts at JWU in Providence, R.I., and Dr. Claudette Lévesque Ware, a professor in the John Hazen White School of Arts and Sciences at JWU in Providence.

Culinary Educators’ Teaching Tools & Tipswas written to serve as a valuable source of information for secondary and postsecondary culinary and hospitality educators, filled with specific, concrete and achievable lab and classroom teaching techniques.

“The Gold Medal Classroom” caught up with Roche to ask a few questions related to the crafting of this book.

GMC:Why did you see a need to write a book on this topic?

Roche:“The impetus for the book came when I realized that most culinary/hospitality instructors get hired because they are content experts—which is why they should get hired. However, they usually have very little experience, if any, in teaching. Unfortunately, they often receive little to no training when they start, outside of maybe a quick orientation. The new instructor is put into the classroom unprepared, without any formal training and forced to figure it out on his or her own. This is how I started, and looking back, I am sure that I wasn’t very effective in the classroom in those early years.

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