Gold Medal Classroom

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Two Foodservice Trade Organizations with Worldwide Reach Launch at NRA Show

Tuesday, 17 June 2014 13:58

The Global Culinary Innovators Association and International Food and Beverage Technology Association announced their respective formations at the industry’s largest trade show last month.

Two new organizations serving the foodservice industry launched at the National Restaurant Association’s 2014 Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show in Chicago in May. Both aim to impact and benefit from the sharing of best practices and information with counterparts and colleagues around the world.

Following is a brief description of each new organization:

Global Culinary Innovators Association (GCIA)
The new association benefits corporate chefs and menu innovators from leading multiunit foodservice operations. Members will include company founders, leading culinarians and marketing experts who are spearheading the menu innovation for their companies within multiple industry segments.

Use of Mango in Foodservice on the Rise

Tuesday, 17 June 2014 13:41

Research and trend predictions point in the same direction: Use more fresh mango on menus.

National Mango Board consumer research shows that consumption of mango continues to grow. The trend toward healthy dining, as well as increased interest in tropical and global flavors, creates buzz about fresh mango.

Most recently, a quantitative study by research firm Datassential confirms use of fruit overall on menus has increased since 2008, with mango the sixth-fastest-growing fruit, climbing to the ninth-most-commonly menued fruit in 2013.

Datassential research reveals that mangos are menued in all restaurant segments and usage is growing across regions, dayparts and cuisine types.

Mayo’s Clinic: Keeping a Professional Journal

Tuesday, 17 June 2014 13:39

Whether you maintain one or 21, building the practice of keeping a journal and recording key ideas and activities can very useful for three important reasons.

By Dr. Fred Mayo, CHE, CHT

Last month, we discussed strategies for retaining students in our courses and programs. This month and next month, we will talk about professional journals—not published in scholarly and trade journals, but notebooks or diaries in which one writes ideas, feelings and reflections so that they can be referenced in the future.

This month, we will discuss the power and value of a keeping a journal, whether you are a student, teacher or administrator.

Types of Journals
There are many types of notebook journals that journal individuals use. Kate Davis, on, lists 15 (time-capsule journal, specific-topic journal, dream journal, travel journal, reading journal, specific-timeframe journal, group or family journal, gratitude journal, personal-development journal, project journal, gardening journal, meditation journal, planning journal, creativity journal and quick journal) and Shoshana Jackson on lists 20 (family journal, couples journal, relationship journal, letter journal, birthday journal, memory journal, gratitude journal, prayer journal, good thoughts or affirmations journal, dream journal, focus journal, joke journal, book or movie journal, recipe journal, hobby journal, sports journal, travel journal, health journal, diet and exercise journal and finance journal.)

50-Minute Classroom: Teaching Essential Skills

Tuesday, 17 June 2014 13:36

Are you dooming your students to failure by not focusing enough attention on helping them find and keep jobs after graduation?

By Adam Weiner, CFSE

I hope you will endure a bit of self-promotion. I was asked by Mary Petersen of CAFÉ to lead a roundtable discussion at the upcoming Leadership Conference in Salt Lake City on the importance of teaching life skills and job skills to culinary students.

For those of you who have read my articles for a while, you know I adamantly believe that unless you teach your students job-searching skills, skills to keep the job, and basic life skills you are dooming them to failure. I have written a number of CAFÉ articles on this very subject:

1.     “Interview Skills,” March 2011

2.     “Help Your Students Keep Their Jobs,” May 2011

3.     “Teaching Students How to Get a Job, Part I,” June 2012

4.     “Teaching Your Students How to Find a Job, Part II,” July-August 2012

5.     “12 Things for Students to Know,” on how to work in a commercial kitchen, December 2012

6.     “Teaching the Value of ‘Real’ Networking,” May 2013

7.     “The 10 Hardest Things to Teach Young Culinary Students,” July-August 2013

8.     “Working in Teams Needs to Be Taught,” September 2013

9.     “Volunteering for Young and Old,” December 2013

Think Tank: A Different View of Grading in Culinary Education, Part II

Tuesday, 17 June 2014 13:30

There should be no room for variance from a standard of expectation among all stakeholders—employers, faculty, parents and the students themselves. To ensure that culinary grads meet acceptable skill and aptitude standards, Chef Sorgule suggests employing a “passport.”

By Paul Sorgule, MS, AAC

The first question is, “What are the critical skills that will allow students to progress within your program and reach a level of success on internship and after graduation”?

Although there are numerous core competencies that set the stage for “learning” and the ability to adapt to various situations, there is a specific grouping of more tangible competencies that are essential in building “employability” aptitudes in kitchens. If planned correctly, these aptitudes can provide the setting for the other core competencies within a curriculum.

These critical skills should be drawn from a collaborative process of involvement including faculty, industry chefs and bakers, alumni and the students themselves. Knowing the expectations of these constituencies is the foundation for building a curriculum and system of evaluation that will develop confidence and lead to student success.

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