Gold Medal Classroom, The Official E-zine for the Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education

Jan 9, 2025, 19:55
October 2020 Issue

October 2020 Issue

Gold Medal Classroom: 
The official ezine for CAFE  |  October 2020 issue


Porcini Turnips w Soy Sauce Demi Glaze Hero web

From NOLA to your baking & pastry classroom: View practical and informative virtual lessons on baking with raspberries from five top New Orleans chefs and NOCHI Culinary Instructor Zak Miller.

Potatoes are a baker’s secret ingredient. Swapping spuds in baked goods means more moist, tender products without altering flavor profiles.

Chef’s Corner Table: President of Complete Culinary LLC Christopher Koetke. Social media and adaptability are two skills Christopher Koetke predicts will be invaluable for success in the future foodservice industry.


mtg farm photo 2 webThink Tank: Building a curriculum around the ideal graduate.

50 Minute Classroom: Basic seasoning and spicing, part one in the series.

Mayo’s Clinic: Help students combat Zoom fatigue by converting virtual lectures into organized class discussions engaging students and reducing fatigue.


d5f89b34cca3dc6d6231e74f5804d955 MInstructors’ online and in-person tips and techniques: Updated! Instructors share ideas about what works in online and in-person instruction.


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Two additional CAFÉ Talks podcasts posted – creativity and innovation expert Bob Eckert and wine importer Jack Edwards featured on-air guests.


CAFE’s Industry Resource Center lists more than 80 commodity boards, associations and growers with links to their foodservice web sites. Educators can find classroom visual aids, downloadable materials, blogs, videos and research. Featured industries include meat, poultry, seafood, produce and dairy to name a few.

Watch two videos featuring Chef Chris Koetke talking about MSG. One video discusses the science behind monosodium glutamate and includes a brief overview of the chemical compounds that make MSG. Koetke describes umami, the fifth basic taste, and explains how the flavor sensation is detected by the human tongue. The second video shares the reality of monosodium glutamate (MSG) by explaining the science and history behind the product.

lesson april13

CAFE Industry Resource Center Feature:
Bread Baking Guild of America
The Bread Bakers Guild of America has dedicated itself to advancing the artisan baking profession. The Guild is well known in the baking community as the go-to educational resource for substantive, accurate information on the craft of making bread. If you want to know how to make incomparable bread – mix it, ferment it, shape it, bake it and sell it, you’ve come to the right place. The materials and activities generated by The Guild are available nowhere else! They represent the cutting edge in providing the tools needed to produce the highest quality bread products.