Gold Medal Classroom, The Official E-zine for the Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education

Jan 8, 2025, 18:24
September 2019 Issue

September 2019 Issue

Gold Medal Classroom: 
The official ezine for CAFE  |  September 2019 issue


Porcini Turnips w Soy Sauce Demi Glaze Hero web

Combing through the sweet pair of honey and breakfast within culinary trends.

Dehydrated and frozen Idaho® potatoes help chefs control food costs and safety while offering customizable applications across all dayparts.


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Think Tank: Workplace settings must be cleansed of chefs with minimal leadership skills, an inability to build teams and those who exhibit erratic behavior.

50 Minute Classroom: Technical Advisory Committee meetings led by industry experts and not culinary program instructors.

Mayo’s Clinic: Dr. Fred Mayo discusses key aspects of presenting research findings via a visual medium. 

mtg farm photo 2 webMEET THE GROWERS:

Potatoes: Farmer Bryan Wada understands his fate is directly tied to the Idahoan ground where he both farms potatoes and lives.


42b4a0e8271ee2645b5693a2f7ab9424 MColumbus State Community College dedicates newly completed School of Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts building.

C-CAP announces leadership change.


CAFÉ’s Industry Resource Center lists more than 80 commodity boards, associations and growers with links to their foodservice web sites. Educators can find classroom visual aids, downloadable materials, blogs, videos and research. Industries featured include meat, poultry, seafood, produce and dairy just to name a few.

CAFE Lesson Plan:
Follow Chef Instructor Jack Kaestner as he gives a lesson on sausage making with American lamb for applications from Moroccan to Greek.

CAFE Industry Resource Center Feature: Pear Bureau Northwest
Visit the Pear Bureau Northwest site to discover there are 10 pear varieties, they are picked unripe from the tree and then ripen at room temperature, and have more fiber than the top 20 fruits sold at retail. Take advantage of their ACF Accredited CEH Foodservice Training Program and upon completion earn not only one CEH but also a Pear Master Certificate and apron – for free!