Gold Medal Classroom, The Official E-zine for the Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education

Jan 7, 2025, 20:57
November 2018 Issue

November 2018 Issue

The Gold Medal Classroom: 
The official ezine for CAFE  |  November 2018 issue


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Teaching traditional pickling and fermenting with resources and flavors for onions, mangos, grapes and watermelon.

Gateau St. Honore Dessert: The perfect pastry teaching tool and patron baker’s saint.


meet the growers 2Thanksgiving Day turkeys grown from poult with care, love and experience in northern Minnesota. One turkey even turned up in Washington, D.C.




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50 Minute Classroom: Teaching new students that mise en place goes beyond completing an ingredient list. How long does it take to make a pizza without mise en place?

Guest Columnist David Pazmino: Providing students with a space to teach themselves to learn is key to lifelong learning and an engaged classroom.

Mayo’s Clinic: It’s a talented instructor who can turn student mistakes into valuable teachable opportunities.

Think Tank: Chef Paul Sorgule helps directors effectively transition excellent chefs into excellent teachers.


breaking news green restaurant

Study by the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation uncovers what Gen Z wants in a restaurant job or career.

Green Restaurant Association announces the Green Restaurant Award Winners.


CAFÉ’s Industry Resource Center lists more than 80 commodity boards, associations and growers with links to their foodservice web sites. Educators can find classroom visual aids, downloadable materials, blogs, videos and research. Industries featured include meat, poultry, seafood, produce and dairy just to name a few.

CAFE Resources Feature: Teaching Tips
Click here
to read a bulleted list of interesting teaching tips from helping students develop effective time management skills to asking students to read an article from (CAFÉ) and complete a summary of the facts they learned. (Please click more to see the complete list.)

resource picture guittard chocolate web

CAFE Industry Resource Center Feature:
Guittard Chocolate
Find an adventure in chocolate just in time for holiday baking. Guittard Chocolate offers instructors information on chocolate’s science, tempering chocolate, chocolate tasting as well as a complete glossary of terms. Also, instructors will discover recipes on everything from bars to bons to breads and more.