Gold Medal Classroom, The Official E-zine for the Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education

Jan 4, 2025, 11:01
February 2018 Issue

February 2018 Issue

The Gold Medal Classroom: 
The official ezine for CAFE   |   February 2018 issue

3D pasta shot 2 web


Embracing the future with innovation: Blu1877 takes on technology and imagination in its development of 3D printed pasta.

Students switching from gamers to super students: Positive game skills can turn a video gaming habit into a culinary arts learning habit.

FredMayo no coat webCOLUMNS:

Mayo’s Clinic: Encouraging reading beyond assigned work broadens students’ knowledge of quality writing.

Think Tank: Train the trainers by helping faculty members make it real by staying relevant, thinking differently and getting a good start.

50 Minute Classroom: Culinarians should understand the gluten gamut from gluten free to gluten intolerant.

meet the growers photo FebNEW - MEET THE GROWERS

This new monthly column will feature farmers, growers and various professionals who are responsible for beginning the food cycle. From produce to proteins, educators gain insight into the knowledge and care taken to bring food right to your kitchen door. Enter the world of sun, soil, rain and feed to find out where food comes from. Next up: Rick Shade, Shade Farm Management, Avocados.

guest feature david pazmino web cropGUEST COLUMNIST: CHEF DAVID PAZMIÑO

The final article in Chef David Pazmiño’s series discusses technology and how he used QR codes to unlock the power of smartphones in the kitchen classroom.

acf logo webBREAKING NEWS:

The ACF and CAFE agreed to a partnership focusing on education and events.

National Louis University and Laureate Education, Inc. announce a transfer agreement of Kendall College's programs and other assets.


CAFÉ’s Industry Resource Center lists more than 80 commodity boards, associations and growers with links to their foodservice web sites. Educators can find classroom visual aids, downloadable materials, blogs, videos and research. Industries featured include meat, poultry, seafood, produce and dairy just to name a few.

lesson may13CAFE Lesson Plan Feature: U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council’s “Dynamo Digest”
Click here for the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council’s “Dynamo Digest,” a blog that aims to offer an extensive range of information, tips and advice from chefs and foodservice professionals. In association with “Little Blue Dynamos,” the blog's name also reflects the dynamic communications needed to match the ever-changing conditions of the foodservice industry.

CAFE Industry Resource Center Feature: American Technical Publishers
Instructors are the backbone of quality training. Their experience coupled with quality instructional resources, assessments, and intuitive educational content is the foundation for success. Whether it’s one resource or more, ATP’s printed and digital content has been developed to create learning packages that are ideal for use in any training environment.