GMC Breaking News

Mar 14, 2025, 20:04

American Culinary Federation Marks the Beginning of Its New Vision with Global Launch of Updated Logo to Commemorate 85th Anniversary

The American Culinary Federation, Inc. (ACF) marked the beginning of its new vision with the global launch of an updated logo to commemorate its 85th anniversary. ACF National President Thomas Macrina, CEC, CCA, AAC, unveiled ACF’s new logo on Jan. 6 via a video message at

The new ACF logo emphasizes the organization’s commitment to growth, transformation and innovation in the culinary industry while drawing on the legacy of the former logo. The tagline, “The Standard of Excellence for Chefs,” embodies the organization’s mission to enhance professional growth for all current and future chefs.

“It’s an exciting time for ACF, and starting today we are on a new path to growth and global recognition,” said Macrina. “The new ACF logo creates a more cohesive look for stronger brand recognition uniting all entities of the organization, while drawing on the legacy of the former logo. As we take pride in our rich history, we also recognize the need to embrace change in order to continue to build a legacy for ACF and its members that is sustainable.”

The redesigned logo brings the chef to the forefront, which speaks to chefs in kitchens across North America and the organization’s more than 20,000 members. It continues the strong brand of ACF with the stars and stripes. The old script has been changed to a font representative of today, which provides a clean look. The flag, along with the logo’s blue and red colors, has been enhanced to better represent American cuisine.

As Macrina and ACF’s Board of Directors implement the new vision for ACF, the goal is to increase awareness of what the organization offers professional chefs in restaurants and the foodservice industry, as well as the global culinary community. ACF provides professional chefs with numerous opportunities for growth and development: educational forums by notable chefs; regional conferences; a national convention with demonstrations and workshops by renowned chefs and a trade show showcasing state-of-the-art culinary products; online offerings, from courses on modern techniques to a video library that includes a series on sustainability and green restaurant practices; The National Culinary Review, an award-winning magazine featuring cutting-edge trends, techniques and recipes; and local meetings with demonstrations and speakers. In addition, ACF has national and local culinary competitions, an extensive Career Center and more for the professional chef.

ACF was founded in 1929 as a professional organization for chefs and cooks by three global chef organizations. Since its inception, its goal has been promoting the professional image of the American chef. In 1976, ACF forever changed the culinary industry by elevating the position of the executive chef from service status to the professional category in the U.S. Department of Labor’s Dictionary of Official Titles. Today, ACF is the largest professional chef organization in North America with more than 20,000 members.