GMC Breaking News

Mar 25, 2025, 21:59

Remembering Bressler of Le Cordon Bleu in Pasadena

Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Los Angeles, Pasadena, Calif., is mourning the loss of a beloved educator. Chef instructor Larry Bressler, 50, and his wife, Denise, 64, passed away on Oct. 13, 2014. Bressler was a longtime instructor and friend to many at Le Cordon Bleu, known as a kind, fun-loving person with as much passion and zest for music as he had for food. He was also the general manager of Chefs Center, a commercial kitchen-rental space that helped launch many successful local businesses. From 1995 to 2003, Bressler was chef and owner of 50-seat Gerard’s, a French bistro in Riverside.

News reports allude to a fatal stabbing of the Bresslers, allegedly by a family member.

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