Gold Medal Classroom, The Official E-zine for the Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education

Sep 1, 2024, 6:13
June/July 2024 Issue

June/July 2024 Issue

Gold Medal Classroom: 
The official ezine for CAFE  |  June/July 2024 issue


Hawaiian Pizza

Fruit’s beauty and versatility across menus: Adding fruit to sweet and savory applications teaches students the benefits of fruit in all its formats.

A lesson plan for evaluating fruit product formats: Teach students how to evaluate different fruit product formats including fresh cut, frozen and canned for menu development.

Restaurant industry’s future shines as Delaware and California take prizes at 2024 National ProStart Invitational.


sorguleFuture Thinking in Education: Making the most out of CAFÉ conferences - the lasting benefits of planning and managing your time with an open mind during in-person meetings.

Dr. Jennifer Denlinger: In search of grandmothers’ recipes – finding and cooking family recipes is like discovering childhood comfort and peace.

podcast logoBREAKING NEWS:

Listening and learning from CAFÉ Talks: Have you heard the latest CAFE Talks podcasts? Don’t miss fascinating topics from ingredients to activism.


student competitions

Benefits of student competitions: Building character and culinary skills are benefits of competitions. Be careful, adding an instructor incentive might require a wardrobe change or new tattoo.

Say what you mean and say it with meaning: Do's and Don'ts of oral food presentations.

Getting ready for competitions: Practical tips on coaching, preparing and presenting for medal-winning culinary competitors.

Summertime and the living is easy: Navigating farmers’ markets – with a critical eye – can provide a welcome summer break.