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Mar 4, 2025, 19:12

Research Chefs Association Searches for Best Culinology® Video: My Culinology Experience by December 1

  • Do you love your career and the way in which you tie Culinology into the classroom or your daily work life?
  • Have you overcome challenges as a student or working professional as a result of Culinology?
  • Can you pinpoint a latest trend in Culinology?

news5_oct10In an effort to highlight the importance of Culinology, the blending of culinary arts and the science of food, the Research Chefs Association announces: My Culinology Experience. The RCA wants to hear from you. That's why the organization is putting on a search for the best video that spotlights your relationship to Culinology—its effect, its appeal, its challenges!

How to Submit
Participants are asked to submit a one- to two-minute video about what Culinology means to them, the impact it has had on their lives, or the future of Culinology. The winner will receive a $300 cash prize and a free conference registration for the 2011 RCA Annual Conference and Culinology Expo in Atlanta in March, along with first and second runner-up prizes.

You do not need a professional video camera to submit a video. A Webcam, a cell-phone video camera or a flip camera is appropriate. The video can be “low/no budget.” The important thing is that the video be creative and you capture the essence of Culinology in your message.

Entry forms may be completed online. Entrants must upload their video file to the RCA ftp site. (See detailed instructions in the “Submission Instructions” section below.)

Submission Guidelines
Entries must be about your experience with Culinology and may cover one or more of these four topics:

1) The effects of Culinology

2) How Culinology appeals to your professional or student life

3) Challenges related to Culinology

4) Trends related to Culinology

Submission Instructions
Please follow all instructions below when submitting your video and entry form

  • Complete the official entry form
  • Complete your one- to two-minute video expressing your Culinology experience
  • Save your video in one of the following formats: wmv, avi, mov, mp4, mpeg
  • Save the video file as [your first and last name, RCA Video Contest]
  • Upload your video to the RCA FTP site by doing the following:

-      Type the Hostname / Address into your FTP client:

-      Enter the Username: kellenclient

-      Enter the Password: k3ll3n

-      Upload files to the “creative” folder

  • Your video must not exceed two minutes
  • You must be a member of the RCA to submit a video

The contest is open to all members of the RCA. The deadline for all submissions to be received at RCA headquarters is December 1, 2010.


Winners will receive recognition in the RCA's monthly Insider, Culinology Currents, and on the RCA website. We will post the top three videos on the RCA website and the winning video will be shown at the Annual Conference & Culinology Expo in March. Be the first winner of this contest and gain recognition among peers and professionals in the industry.

The prizes will be awarded to the primary contact person, and it is up to the primary contact to allocate the prizes accordingly.

  • First place - $300 cash prize and one free conference registration
  • First runner-up - $150 and one free conference registration
  • Second runner-up - $50

Contact Ericka Henderson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (678) 303-2991. Click to submit your video now!