Jan 11, 2025, 2:10
In 2020 Cs that weren’t average: Covid-19, Change and Culinary

In 2020 Cs that weren’t average: Covid-19, Change and Culinary


Dear Educators and CAFÉ Partners, 

Traditionally, the December Gold Medal Classroom (GMC) edition has a culminating year-in-review air to it. And, like everything else, the year 2020 has changed even this traditional issue. 

Stop. What is your immediate reaction to the sentence: 2020 has changed everything? Are you smiling at the thought of the changes? Are you cringing at what has transpired? Are you ambivalent? (And, if you are the latter, I’d like to know as I have not interacted with anyone who is so-so about 2020.) Remember your reaction as I will return to it. 

Parting Thoughts as Mayo’s Clinic Come to an End

Parting Thoughts as Mayo’s Clinic Come to an End

Thank you to Dr. Fred Mayo for his more than 10 years as the whit, intelligence and inspiration behind Gold Medal Classroom’s Mayo’s Clinic.

Editor’s Note: Mayo’s Clinic has been a Gold Medal Classroom staple and source of interesting information and thought-provoking teaching strategies for more than 10 years. As his columnist tenure comes to a close, Mary Petersen and I would like to say thank you to Dr. Fred Mayo for your years of service and dedication to the culinary arts education industry. Your contribution to CAFÉ and GMC has been immeasurable and appreciated. Thank you.  

By Dr. Fred Mayo, CHE, CHT

FIU Instructor Shares Online Culinary Teaching Successes

FIU Instructor Shares Online Culinary Teaching Successes

Florida International University’s John Noble Masi offers Zoom teaching tactics, options for video resources and shares his students’ first-place award in virtual restaurant competition.

By Lisa Parrish, GMC Editor

The Gold Medal Classroom continues to highlight culinary instructors who are achieving success during online culinary instruction. These educational best-practice ideas are designed to help culinary colleagues in their search for what works best in this new and challenging environment. 

Read on to discover the best evaluation criteria for home-cooked lessons, where to find video content and see how instructor John Noble Masi helped steer his student team to a first-place finish in the virtual Redesigning the Restaurant of the Future competition sponsored by Restaurant Finance Week.