Mayo's Clinics

Jul 16, 2024, 8:37

Mayo’s Clinic: Elevator Speeches

Saturday, 31 March 2012 20:26

fredmayoA short, focused speech poses an opportunity for students to make an impression and explain themselves. It is also a way to build interest in what they are doing or want to do, as well as enlist support and sway opinion.

By Dr. Fred Mayo, CHE, CHT

Because last month this column discussed networking, this month we will focus on elevator speeches—what they are, why they are important and how to deliver them for maximum impact. Since you probably know about elevator speeches and probably use them, this column might be something you want to distribute to students who do not know about or would benefit from being reminded about elevator speeches. Therefore, the bulk of this column is aimed at students.

Mayo’s Clinic: Networking for Students

Sunday, 04 March 2012 11:48

fredmayoIf students can think of networking as a process of giving, not taking, it can be less overwhelming for them and often interesting and even positive.

By Dr. Fred Mayo, CHE, CHT


At this time of year, students who are looking for summer jobs or permanent jobs at graduation are probably involved in networking, a great way to meet people, expand connections, find jobs and increase professional connections. However, some students are scared to network, some don’t understand it, and some have no experience, while others are excellent at it. This column might provide some advice for the first three groups and a reminder to the fourth group. As a faculty member, you are probably good at it; maybe this column will help suggest some new ideas.

Mayo’s Clinic: Note Taking on Site Visits and Field Trips

Tuesday, 31 January 2012 09:17

fredmayoProviding lists of questions to ask or items to look for, and even suggesting index cards in lieu of large notebooks, can help your students take more-effective notes.

By Dr. Fred Mayo, CHE, CHT


Last month, we discussed the four types of field trips; this month, we will share some tips on helping students take notes on field trips and site visits.

Purpose of Note Taking
Among the many values of site visits and field trips is the opportunity to observe the operation of a kitchen, foodservice outlet, warehouse, dining room, restaurant, hotel or other hospitality operation. Determining what to observe, however, can be a real challenge for students. Therefore, we need to help them prepare for site visits and point out what they might need to notice and record in their notes.

Mayo’s Clinic: Types of Field Trips

Wednesday, 04 January 2012 10:44

fredmayoThe best advantage of field trips is the range of learning that students acquire. Here are tips for maximizing their benefits.

By Dr. Fred Mayo, CHE, CHT


Last month, we discussed Evaluating Student Papers in Case Studies, the third in a series of Mayo’s Clinics on Case Studies (#23, Using Case Studies in Teaching; #24, Types of Case Studies and #25, Evaluating Student Papers in Case Studies). This month, we will discuss types of field trips, involving guest speakers in field trips, building on #19, Using Field Trips and Site Visits Effectively. One way to think about types of field trips is to consider four options—group field trips, individual field trips, planned field trips and serendipitous field trips.

Mayo’s Clinic: Evaluating Student Papers

Wednesday, 30 November 2011 19:00

fredmayoAlthough this part of case-study teaching can be arduous, there’s real value in reading papers. Doing so allows us to suggest ways to improve students’ thinking.

By Dr. Fred Mayo, CHE, CHT


Last month, we discussed Types of Case Studies, as part of the continuing series on case studies. This month’s Mayo Clinic is about evaluating student papers, an aspect of case-study teaching, but also one of the challenges of teaching that many of us dread or at least would like to avoid. In large universities with big classes, teaching assistants often help with, or complete, this task, but in most culinary programs, it is part of our teaching responsibilities. There are advantages and teachable moments involved.

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