Teaching Tips

Mar 9, 2025, 22:42

Denver, Colorado (Part 1): 

02 May 2003
  • When assigning a reading passage or assignment to students, have them write a question to bring to class over the reading. The question must be a higher level thinking from Coasta’s levels of questioning or Blooms Taxonomy. They must have a question to get in the door for the day. You can then have everyone read their question and pick one to discuss or I sometimes collect them and randomly pick one. I generally stay out of the discussion even if there is silence. Someone will respond. After discussion have students write a reflection; i.e., predict what might happen if you substitute cake flour for all purpose flour in yeast bread. Grading guidelines: 5 points for a good question; 15 points participation; 10 points reflection. (KA)
  • I cut up equipment catalogues to make flash cards to study equipment. (MM)
  • To teach students proper hand placements for knife skills, have students first use paint sticks. Grip and movement of “blade” can be practiced as well as protection of fingers on the “non-knife” hand without the danger of cuts. Students can work in pairs and check each other for correct technique. (JL)
  • The first week of school write a form letter to all the companies, commodity boards (like the Almond Board) and explain your classes and connections with industry. Ask for samples, informational packets and possible local speaker, posters, etc. Within weeks your mailbox will b e full of free goodies! (LC) Editors Note: Be sure to check out CAFÉ’s “Giveaways” section at www.cafemeetingplace.com
  • To focus on the ProStart class, we have a “Chef-A-Day” for one weeks prior to student registration for next year’s classes. Each day during our two lunch periods a different chef talks about their career and demonstrates. Current ProStart students assist the chefs during the demos and help give out samples. Announcements and advertising is done prior to the week to invite students who may be interested in the hospitality industry. The chefs enjoy coming and it gives the current ProStart students a time to show off some of their talents. It also introduces students to our entire Consumer and Family Studies program. (LL)
  • Stainless Steel Spanish, Jason Hoblen, Stock Pot Publishing, ISBN 09659717-0-8, PO Box 18343, Denver, Colorado 80218-0343. I received knowledge of this reference from Karen Mulholland of Karens in the Country Catering in Louisville Co. Because of the changing demographics that include a significant increase in the Hispanic population working in foodservice, there are communication challenges. Her bakers and most all of the back-of-the-house workers are Hispanic with minimal if any English speaking skills. Karen has limited Spanish speaking skills. She uses this book to convert her recipes and learn the key phrases that keep her multi-faceted business productive (DE)
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