Lesson Plans

Mar 9, 2025, 15:41

Lesson Plan: Citrus Fruits with a Future

25 March 2015

Top chefs know that exceptional produce is where flavor begins. More produce choices equates to more chances to shine. That’s why citrus is something to celebrate.

Courtesy of The Culinary Institute of America

The citrus world has several notable newcomers—specialty varieties that used to be rare are now poised for takeoff. Growers have expanded plantings of citrus that once seemed exotic, like Meyer lemons, Cara Cara oranges and Moro oranges. And they’re devoting more acreage to the truly unusual, like Zebra™ (pink variegated) lemons and pummelos.

These up-and-coming citrus are clearly fruits with a future, and chefs who embrace them have a competitive edge. A cocktail garnished with a Zebra lemon slice makes a cutting-edge impression; a mundane roast chicken makes a fashion statement with grilled Cara Cara oranges (pictured).

Cooks and consumers from India, Southeast Asia and Latin America are teaching us new uses for citrus. And the growing consumer demand for “fresh” bodes well for these fruits. Citrus works for chefs because of the many seasonal varieties, range of flavors and ready availability.

In this online course, students will learn how to get the most mileage from these high-impact citrus fruits. Chef-tested recipes to enliven menus are illustrated, while the video demos will help students master techniques.

A trove of inspired ideas for citrus is discovered at www.ciaprochef.com/sunkist/index.html. Let your students join celebrated Chef Robert Danhi on this journey to unleash their creativity.