CAFE Weekly News

Mar 6, 2025, 12:42

CAFE Update October 4, 2017

03 October 2017

CAFE is proud to announce a partnership with Brightwater, A Center for the Study of Food, who will be sponsoring the 2018 Green Award as well as announcing a NEW Award: The Food Entrepreneurship Award.


Green Award: Recognizes culinary programs that promote and incorporate sustainability efforts as part of their curriculum and operations.

Food Entrepreneurship Award: Identifies culinary programs that either 1) teach or encourage entrepreneurship in their programming or 2) implement revenue-generation and cost-savings into their operations.

These awards are open to individuals and all culinary programs. Entries will be judged in the areas of quality of design, applicability, replicability, stewardship, success in implementation of the project or concept, impact upon the school and community and thoughtful innovation in practice and technique.

Find full award details here.

Electronic submissions will be due March 30, 2018, with winners announced no later than May 1, 2018.

Winners will be recognized at the opening night of the CAFE Leadership Conference, June 14, in Milwaukee.

Note: Past winners may reapply each year for new initiatives or awards.

For more information at the CAFE Leadership Conference, click here.

Meet a Presenter

Laurie Moldawer webCAFE’s 6th Annual Deans and Directors Retreat, March 2-4, San Antonio, is proud to introduce you to another presenter who will be part of the Innovations’ panels at the Retreat.

Laurie Moldawer is the founder and director of Park City Culinary Institute. She began her career at big firms – JP Morgan, PepsiCo, Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young – which gave her the finance and operations background to help her launch and grow several businesses. She started her first business at age 25, which became profitable in its first year. 

Most recently, she has served as the COO/CFO of a New York law firm, which more than doubled in revenue and profit during her tenure. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania with a math degree and business courses at Wharton, She attended le Cordon Bleu in Paris, and continued her education at the Institute of Culinary Education in New York. She helped pay for school by assisting the chefs at le Cordon Bleu. She also apprenticed at Michelin-starred Passiflore Restaurant in Paris, Jeffrey Chodorow’s Restaurant Ono in New York, and with renowned cake decorator Colette Peters. Laurie has travelled to nearly fifty countries, taking cooking classes, and visiting fish and produce markets in Europe, Asia and Africa. 

Park City Culinary Institute offers a shorter, more affordable alternative for people interested in Culinary School. Rather than rely on Title IV funding, which requires accreditation, the school caters its programs to what students want. Certificates range from 80-160 hours, and job placement – partially due to the strong market – has been close to 100%.

For more information about the upcoming Retreat, click here.

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October 15, 2017
Deadline for conference presenters

March 2-4, 2018
6th Annual Deans and Directors Retreat, San Antonio, TX

March 30, 2018
Deadline for Green Award and Food Entrepreneurship Award

April 1, 2018
Deadline for IPC Innovation Awards

June 14-16, 2018
13th Annual CAFE Leadership Conference, Milwaukee, WI