CAFE Talks Podcast

Jul 26, 2024, 8:11
My World According to Chocolate

My World According to Chocolate

Acting as a culinary chocolate mentor is the best job in the world.

By Amanda Miller, CC, CPC
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Frozen Raspberries Add Flavorful Pop and Brightness to Baked Items

Frozen Raspberries Add Flavorful Pop and Brightness to Baked Items

Time-saving frozen raspberries go from freezer to application and help build flavorful masterpieces.

By Lisa Parrish, GMC Editor 
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A Culinary Degree is Incomplete without Storytelling and Inquisitiveness

A Culinary Degree is Incomplete without Storytelling and Inquisitiveness

Creating something memorable and unique is born from the desire to ask why and stretch in new directions.

By Paul Sorgule, MS, AAC
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Including Environmental Issues in Your Day-to-Day Teaching

Including Environmental Issues in Your Day-to-Day Teaching

Start small by addressing energy consumption and food waste topics in every class.

By Adam Weiner, JD, CFSE, and Stephanie Weiner, BA
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Application for 2023 KITCHEN OF THE FUTURE Technology Award

Application for 2023 KITCHEN OF THE FUTURE Technology Award

Thanks to RATIONAL, we are pleased to announce that the 2023 Kitchen of the Future Technology Award will be offered to individuals/culinary programs that successfully introduced technology in their programs. The winner of the Award will demonstrate the trend in multifunctional equipment in professional kitchens, showing creative utilization of multifunctional equipment (such as smart combi ovens or smart tilt skillets).  The winner will also include an introduction to the “networked kitchen” (cloud-based solutions in professional kitchens) in a Lesson Plan that can be utilized in culinary programs.