Teaching Tips

Mar 10, 2025, 3:16

Café Summer Workshop Hosted by Kendall College, Chicago, IL (Part 2):

02 September 2009
  • Show the SuperSize Me Video! Go to www.supersizeme.com and download the sample monthly menus and group-sized recipes for healthier lunch choices at the school cafeteria. Conduct a taste test of three “healthy” recipes outside the school cafeteria and have students complete a survey. Present findings to the Board of Ed, Principal, Cafeteria Manager for possible changes to the lunch food. (JH)
  • For a first semester final exam, students are given one week to complete the project of a Gingerbread House. Houses are on display to the public and grade schools in the area. For a second semester final exam, students are given a total of 15 hours to complete a “formal” breakfast in which they invite guests. They have full responsibility as a group to organize, prep, and serve the meal without asking questions. Most student comment that it was the hardest exam they have ever taken, but they learned lots! Evaluations are individual and by groups. (SD)
  • Place slower students with a special role or assign a student leader that is in charge of a special workstation or to oversee an area of the kitchen with a strong student or myself. Give them empowerment to make leadership decisions. (JC)
  • We have a senior luncheon where each senior is asked to invite a teacher or support staff person whom has had a supportive or positive role in their lives. The seniors plan, prep and prepare the luncheon and sit with their guest. We write a mini-grant to obtain the funds to produce the luncheon. This not only honors the students, but is great PR for the program! (MT)
  • Something like a mystery basket is a game called Stir Crazy. Break your class into two teams and pick different ingredients. You can find the game on the Internet or game store. (PN)
  • To help you keep track of student progress, wear a small tape recorder with a microphone. Press record when you want to make a comment, then after class, write your comments down for the grades for the day. (PN)
  • My students had an awesome and challenging experience planning and executing a food science fair. They had to search the Internet for various project ideas. The projects ranged from which cereal gets the soggiest to which type of nut produces the most energy, to a number of taste comparisons such as cola versus coke versus pepsi and cooking spray comparison taste. ™
  • I make a vocabulary list at the beginning of the course of all the French words used in foods. Beginning with mise en place at the beginning of each class we play hang man for 10 minutes with French words. (CK)
  • Students should create a restaurant complete with a theme, atmosphere and cuisine. This project should include a menu showing that they understand pricing. Students should then present the idea to the class using a display poster board copies of the menu and a sample of the signature menu item. (LM)
  • Use tactile and sensory experiences. If you talk about apples bring 5-6 types. Let everyone taste and talk about where they grow. You can do a demo/tasting for flour as well. (JL)
  • I ask students to write a brief autobiography to introduce themselves to me. I get great insight into their lives and I am able to talk to them about what they shared with me in one on one situations. Also, this gives me a writing sample for my files. (SL)
  • Plan and prepare a nutritious meal for 4 on a budget of $10.00 or less. Students find recipes use the Wednesday grocery sale, shop and prepare their meal. They learn about budgeting, reading labels for nutritional info and unit pricing, time management, evaluating benefits and drawbacks of convenience foods versus homemade, working as a team, wise consumer practices, and presentation in one lesson. (SM)
  • At a NRAEF workshop in Arizona, we had a speaker who presented a fantastic software program that he developed called “Sous Chef.” (KP Productions). This program has 150 video clips of cooking techniques from poaching an egg to ice carving and a large quantity of curriculum materials and resources. Your can hook your computer up to a TV and you are ready to go. (MG)
  • A senior project is to complete a wedding cake, fully decorated with pulled sugar roses. (LH)
  • In basic knife skills, students begin with a white potato. Day 1: Students cut their potato into a rectangular black and then cut their potato into batonettes. Store potato peels and batonettes properly. Day 2: Working in small groups, students prepare potato skins and French fries. (BB)
  • Teaching measurements: have students draw a large circle, Label 1 gallon. Quarter the circle, 4 quarts. Put two large P’s in each quart for pint. Put two large C’s in each P for cups. Put 8 ounces in each cup. Have student compute the ounces for pint, quart, ½ gallon, 1 gallon. Have students compute the number of T in a cup, pint, quart, ½ gallon, 1 gallon. (MS)
  • Have students keep a portfolio of all projects done. Also I use reflection statements after every project. (RG)
  • Substitute Teacher Tip: Use word puzzles related to food for days you will not be in class. The dollar store is a perfect place to find the puzzle books at a great price. You can also find great word puzzles in a book called Brainstorms. (MG)
  • For a community service project, provide homeless shelters with socks. Go to a local culinary school to see what a culinary facility is like for those who still teach in a standard home kitchen. A great field trip is to a fine dining restaurant. (PY)

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