CAFE Weekly News

Mar 10, 2025, 20:11

CAFÉ Update January 30, 2023

30 January 2023
TRENDS—June 20-23, 2023

The Deans and Directors Retreat—June 21

The recurring theme from the 2022 Retreat was the request for topics relating to Retention and Recruitment. So in 2023 we have not only speakers on these topics, but also panels to discussion some innovations in leadership that have worked.

Hands-On Master Classes—June 21

On Wednesday afternoon, June 21, there will be three hands-on master classes you can choose from: 

  1. A Chocolate Workshop
  2. A Carving Workshop and
  3. a workshop using the principles from Southern Foodways.

Deans and Directors’ attendees will not be able to sign up for one of these since they will be deep in their discussions and presentations relating to innovations and the future. However, Leadership Conference attendees will have the opportunity to attend as they will finish up before the Awards Ceremony and Opening Night Reception.

Master Class registration will open soon. Keep an eye out for more information.

Industry Trends—June 22

CAFÉ has a mission to connect the foodservice industry with the foodservice classroom.

What does that mean? We try to bring new flavors and recipes and utilizations and purchasing options to you in order to keep your students up to date with the industry. We also intend to help you, as foodservice instructors realize the shifting world of gastronomy so that you can share this industry knowledge with your students as they seek positions in this ever-changing industry.

Educational Best Practices—June 23

Perhaps you have heard of new classroom techniques that are happening, both pre- and post-Covid. We devote a day to break out sessions so that you can hear from your peers what is working and what isn’t. This sharing of plans and successes helps you keep your delivery fresh and your expectations realistic.

single pics Charleston SC web

Registration and conference information, click here 

Hotel Information, click here and Hotel Direct Registration Link

A Program Director Looking For Your Input

We had a very interesting question raised by a program director on the topic of food restrictions. Last years conference host, Maureen LaSalle, is looking for your input. 

In our culinary arts program (community college) we are experiencing more and more students who come to us with their restrictions for what they can and cannot do. How do you handle this? For example, someone who is a vegan won't eat certain things which means they are not tasting. Sometimes they don't want to touch the product. You cannot force them so how do you grade and assess? Another area is religious issues. Have you had someone that cannot taste or cook with pork? How do you handle this? Do you substitute or just excuse them from this content area?

Thank you,
Maureen LaSalle
Southern Maine Community College

Please send your question responses to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please put “Question Response from CAFÉ Readers” in the subject line of the email.

AWARDS—Deadline April 1, 2023

Apply Today!

Award Categories:

  • Educator of the Year Award, sponsored by Idaho Potato Commission 
  • Student of the Year Award, sponsored by Idaho Potato Commission
  • Community Outreach Award, sponsored by the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
  • Green Award, sponsored by the United Soybean Board
  • Kitchen of the Future Technology Award, sponsored by RATIONAL
  • Entrepreneurship Award, sponsored by Kendall College  

Application Information can be found at

We are grateful for the sponsorship of CAFÉ's Award program.

 IPC Seal web

Escoffier Logo

USB logo

rational logo

kendall logo

 Important Dates

April 1, 2023 
Deadline to submit applications for CAFÉ Awards

May 19, 2023
Hotel Registration Cut Off, Charleston SC

June 20, 2023
Meet and Greet, Deans and Directors Retreat Happy Hour

June 21, 2023
CAFÉ Deans and Directors Retreat, Charleston, SC

June 21, 2023 – evening 
Awards Ceremony and Opening Night Reception for Leadership Conference

June 22-23, 2023
CAFÉ Leadership Conference, Charleston, SC 

CAFÉTalks Podcasts

Remarkable interviews by Paul Sorgule and a variety of people both in and out of our industry but who talk about the future as well as challenges faced . We are on our 7th season with over 12,000 downloads so far! Scroll through the offerings; use them as classroom assignments. Check out our podcast so far at next podcast launch will be February 8th!