CAFE Weekly News

Mar 29, 2025, 7:56

CAFE Update November 8, 2017

09 November 2017

More Useful Resources

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Glossary of Olive Oil Terminology

What kind of olive oil should you buy? Cold-pressed, first pressed or unfiltered? Here is a list of terms you may see on a bottle of olive oil to help you choose.

Mushroom Chart

Here’s a great resource for you/your students to recognize and analyze popular mushroom varieties, ranging from white button, crimini, portabella and more.

paul mendozaMeet a Presenter!

Paul Mendoza from Galveston College will be on one of the Innovations Panels at the 6th Annual Deans and Directors Retreat, March 2-4, 2018, in San Antonio.

Following a 20+ year career in the international oil & gas business, Paul Mendoza made a mid-life career change to culinary arts. He earned an AAS from the Art Institute in 2002, then went to work at Moody Gardens Hotel.
He began teaching full time in 2005, when he took over as director of the Culinary Arts Academy at Galveston College. His interest in diet and nutrition has led to work on a MS degree in nutrition, which he plans to complete in May 2018. Paul has long recognized the connection between diet and health challenges like diabetes, cardiovascular heart disease, hypertension, etc., and is preparing the students at Galveston College to prepare great tasting food that is healthy.

Last June, he co-hosted with Prairie View A&M a USDA-sponsored conference to consider realigning the culinary arts program into a holistic food science associate program to meet the food-based needs of the community, employers, and 4-year programs in food, agriculture, natural resources, and human sciences. A second objective was to produce a food science industry needs-based assessment that would inform the expansion and realignment of the culinary arts programs at 2-year colleges. Attendees included food industry representatives, academia, sustainable farmers and commercial fisherman.

The 6th Annual Deans and Directors Retreat will be hosted at St. Philip’s College in San Antonio, March 2-4, 2018. Click here for tentative agenda, registration, and hotel info.

2018 Awards


Brightwater Award for Sustainability

Brightwater Award for Entrepreneurship

IPC Seal web

Idaho Potato Commission Awards for Innovations in internships/externships/work experience

Sysco web

Sysco Awards for Teachers of the Year


January 28, 2018
Deans and Directors Retreat Hotel Deadline

March 2-4, 2018
6th Annual Deans and Directors Retreat, San Antonio, TX

March 30, 2018
Deadline for Green Award and Food Entrepreneurship Award

April 1, 2018
Deadline for IPC Innovation Award and Educator of the Year Award

June 14-16, 2018
14th Annual CAFE Leadership Conference, Milwaukee, WI