CAFE Weekly News

Mar 6, 2025, 13:10

CAFE Update September 20, 2017

25 September 2017

CAFE News and Updates

Announcing the 2018 Idaho Potato Commission Innovation Award

IPC Seal web

You are invited to apply for the 2018 Innovation Award sponsored by the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC). This year’s Award will recognize educational programs (both secondary and postsecondary) who have found innovative ways to bring real-life industry expectations and experiences into their programs of study.

The Award consists of cash prizes in addition to complimentary registrations to the 2018 CAFÉ Leadership Conference to be held June 14-16, 2018, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Winners must be present to win.

Award deadline is April 1, 2018. Click here for full application information.

Calling for Presenters 

The 2018 Leadership Conference devotes a full day to educational best practices. The presenters are your peers who have been successful in approaching different challenges in the ever-evolving culinary/baking/pastry classrooms.

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If you are chosen to present, you are given a $100 discount on the conference registration fee.

This year the Best Practices in Education will focus on Keeping Culinary Education Relevant . In an environment where students can learn to cook on the job and may question the return-on-investment of culinary schooling, what skills does culinary education build beyond the technical? How does culinary education integrate soft skills, food science, sustainability, literacy and numeracy, technology and other skills and knowledge our graduates need. If you are interested in offering a presentation on this topic, or a related topic, please develop and submit it now.

If you have an idea or a proposal, please send i t to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by October 15 since the committee will start to consider proposals during that next week. The Committee will review your proposal and get back to you by early November so that you have plenty of time to plan.

Click here for full information about being a presenter.

September Issue of "The Gold Medal Classroom"

Sept ezine cover photo

Have you seen this month’s issue of “The Gold Medal Classroom”? Our favorite columnists are back with articles written by Paul Sorgule ,Fred Mayo and Adam Weiner. Plus new features and highlights from the2017 CAFÉ Leadership Conference.

Click here for your FREE online copy of GMC! And pass it on to your colleagues!

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CAFE Membership
Something new!

CAFÉ is now inviting foodservice instructors from all levels of education to be a part of the CAFÉ community by signing up to be a member/supporter of our efforts.

The cost is $50 per year. We’ll launch a members-only Journal of Best Culinary Arts Education Practices by the first of the year PLUS you will get a $25 discount on any CAFÉ event registration fee.

By joining you will help ensure that we’ll get the word out about our community and how we all grow by sharing our ideas and practices.

Become a Member


October 15, 2017
Deadline for conference presenters

March 2-4, 2018
6th Annual Deans and Directors Retreat, San Antonio, TX

April 1, 2018
Deadline for IPC Innovation Awards

June 14-16, 2018
13th Annual CAFE Leadership Conference, Milwaukee, WI