Lesson Plans

Mar 1, 2025, 18:17

Lesson Plan: The Professional Chef Discovers Canola Oil

08 November 2013

Courtesy of The Culinary Institute of America’s ciaprochef.com

Finally, Americans are getting the message: Some dietary fats are good for you and some fats should get the boot. Clearly, choosing fats wisely is the first step toward a more healthful diet, which is why canola oil is now in the limelight. No culinary oil has more nutritional merit ... or more potential to improve the quality of the American diet.

In this online educational segment produced in conjunction with www.canolainfo.org, your students can learn why canola has so much to offer the health-conscious chef and how to use it to replace less desirable fats in the professional kitchen. Recipes developed by the chefs at the Culinary Institute of America at Greystone demonstrate canola oil’s many talents. And in several streaming videos, students can watch the chefs prepare these recipes and perhaps pick up some new cooking techniques.

Modules include “Canola Oil: For a Healthier Kitchen,” “Canola From Farm to Table,” “Canola Oil: Why It’s the Healthy Choice,” “Canola Oil Takes the Heat,” “Recipes and Videos” and resources for more information.

To access the segment online, visit www.ciaprochef.com/canola/index.html.