Professional Organizations
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- American Beverage Institute www.abionline.org/
- American Culinary Federation www.acfchefs.org
- American Dietetic Association (ADA) www.eatright.org
- American Institute of Baking (AIB) www.aibonline.org
- American Institute of Wine and Food www.aiwf.org
- Black Culinarians Alliance www.blackculinarians.com/
- Careers through Culinary Arts Programs (C-CAP) www.ccapinc.org
- Council on Hotel, Restaurant, & Institutional Education (CHRIE) www.chrie.org
- Culinary Associations (extensive list) http//kitchens-today.com/links/culinary-associations.htm
- Distinguished Restaurants of North America (DiRoNA) www.dirona.com
- Educational Associations and Organizations through Department of Education www.ed.gov/about/associations.jsp
- Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP) www.hftp.org
- Institute of Food Technologists www.ift.org
- International Association of Culinary Professionals http://www.iacp.com/
- International Food Service Executives Association www.ifsea.org
- International Foodservice Editorial Council (IFEC) www.ifec-is-us.com
- International Hotel & Restaurant Association (ih & ra) www.ih-ra.com
- James Beard Foundation www.jamesbeard.org
- Kitchen Arts & Letters www.kitchenartsandletters.com
- MultiCultural Foodservice & Hospitality Alliance www.mfha.net/
- National Restaurant Association www.restaurant.org/
- National Society for Healthcare Foodservice Management (HFM) www.hfm.org
- Network Executive Women in Hospitality (NEWH) www.newh.org
- North American Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM) www.nafem.org
- North American Vegetarian Society www.navs-online.org
- Oregon State University’s Food Resource http//food.orst.edu/
- Research Chefs Association www.researchchef.org/
- Retailer’s Bakery Association www.rbanet.org
- Slow Food www.slowfood.com
- Societe Culinaire Philanthropique www.societeculinaire.com
- Society for Foodservice Management (SFM) www.sfm-online.org
- Society of Wine Educators www.wine.gurus.com
- Sustainability Issues www.circleofresponsibility.com sponsored by Bon Appetit, www.kona-kampachi.com sponsored by Alaska Seafood
- The American Institute of Wine and Food (AIWF) www.aiwf.org
- The Bread Bakers Guild of America www.bbga.org
- United States Personal Chef Association www.uspca.com
- Wine Brats www.wine.brats.org