
Mar 12, 2025, 12:34

Green Tomato: CIA Promotes “Going Green” with Recipes

03 June 2012

green_june12Thai Fresh Pea Soup is merely one delicious creation that capitalizes on the fresh bounty of the season.

In 1970, the first Earth Day was organized to promote environmental awareness and encourage stewardship of our natural resources. That first, massive grassroots movement by student demonstrators, schools and communities began with Senator Gaylord Nelson’s efforts to put environmental concerns on the political agenda.

More than ever, Americans today are making smarter choices to help keep Mother Earth “green.” The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) is teaching the next generation of chefs to be stewards of the environment. The college’s green initiatives were recently featured on public radio’s Living on Earth. You can listen to the segment online here.

Now is a great time to “go green” in the kitchen. As our thoughts turn to gardening and farming, it’s time to turn over a new, green leaf. Farmers' markets are putting out their crops of the season.

CIA’s Thai Fresh Pea Soup uses fresh peas and green curry to create a subtle twist on an old spring classic. It can be prepared in under half an hour so you’ll have plenty of time to get outside and work in the garden.

“Once you purée the soup in a blender, make sure to taste it for flavor and texture,” says CIA Chef Eve Felder. “Adjust the flavor with salt. If you prefer a smoother consistency, push the soup through a strainer to remove the skins.”

The downloadable recipe for Thai Fresh Pea Soup and other green recipes can be found in The Culinary Institute of America's Vegetables cookbook (Lebhar-Friedman, 2007), which is available for purchase at bookstores nationwide or at www.ciaprochef.com/fbi/books.html.

Photo: Thai Fresh Pea Soup. Courtesy of CIA/Ben Fink.

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