
Mar 10, 2025, 5:06

Green Tomato: Join the Competition for the 2010 CAFÉ/Kendall Green Award

30 January 2010

By Christopher Koetke, CEC, CCE

greentomato1Deadline to submit efforts in sustainable/green practices that have affected the curriculum is April 1, postmarked.

As we begin 2010 and a traditional time of renewal, CAFÉ and Kendall College are looking forward to presenting the second-annual CAFÉ/Kendall Green Award. One deserving culinary program will receive recognition for its sustainability efforts plus $1,000—proving that sustainability pays!

Sustainability, once dubbed the “wave of the future,” has become the reality of today. Many culinary programs across the country, like Kendall’s, are embracing sustainability and weaving it throughout their curricula and operations. Others are looking for help to embark upon their journey.

That is the impetus for the CAFÉ/Kendall Green Award: to share the knowledge while rewarding innovation and creativity. Applications are now being accepted for the second-annual award, which will be presented at the CAFÉ Leadership Conference, June 25-27 in Baltimore. Entries will be judged based on the level of innovation; perceived impact on students’ understanding of sustainability practices and their importance; and the ease with which elements of the winning program can be implemented by other culinary programs nationwide.

Last year’s recipient, Paul Malcolm from Johnson & Wales University at Charlotte, N.C., developed a composting program that literally sprang from an exercise with his own young children in which he helped them turn the family’s food scraps into “vitamins for the garden.” From that evolved a “bucket brigade” composting program at the school that now removes more than one ton of compostable material each week from its waste stream!

Chef Malcolm’s program illustrates the philosophy that the journey toward sustainability is measured in baby steps—baby steps that, when added together, can make a world of difference. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best, so share yours with your fellow educators.

Full information about award criteria and the application process can be found in the news section of CAFÉ’s Web site under “Scholarship/Awards.” Applications must be postmarked no later than April 1, 2010, and the winner will be notified by May 1.

Christopher Koetke is dean of The Culinary School at Kendall College, Chicago, which sponsors CAFÉ’s annual Green Award for culinary-arts programs.

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