CAFE Weekly News

Dec 2, 2024, 8:57

CAFÉ Update October 7, 2024

07 October 2024

What’s New and What's Next

The CAFÉ conference each year tries to bring ideas and trends to foodservice instructors and deans and directors.

The 2025 Conference will be focusing on “What’s New and What’s Next.”

We will ask our sponsor speakers and panelists to focus on this theme with short presentations, followed by the ever-popular InfoFair where additional materials can be shared and ideas discussed.

We are planning some panel discussions to focus on partnerships, innovative farm to table designs, career paths and technology.

Our educational best practices day will be high-level ideas and ways to execute these ideas, brought to you by professionals who are focused on the “the need for change.”

CAFÉ is looking forward to hearing from you and working with you as we all look forward to the career paths of the future. Join us June 23-26, 2025 in Pittsburgh!

Mary Petersen
Executive Editor, Gold Medal Classroom
President, Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education2025 CAFE Conference Info prices 2

Call for Presenters/Presentations

CAFÉ devotes one day of its annual Leadership Conference to Educational Best Practices. These one-hour peer presentations are quite important and are very much appreciated by those in attendance.

The presentations will be on Thursday, June 26, 2025. We will be hosted by the Community College of Allegheny County in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

What do we hope to get from a potential presenter?

An outline of something that you have introduced in your classes which could benefit culinary/baking/pastry/hospitality instructors in how they reach out and design and then develop the necessary guidance that students are looking for to be successful in the field they are studying.

Next year’s theme will be “The Need for Change.

What have you done that you could pass on to other instructors…whether secondary or postsecondary applications?

We would like to hear from you: a title, a brief outline, and your contact details, including a short bio.

Please send your submissions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with "Educational Best Practices" in the subject line.

Deadline for submission is November 1. Presenters receive a $100 discount on their conference registration.

Thank you!

idaho 12025 CAFÉ Award information coming soon!!

CAFÉ is excited to announce that the Idaho Potato Commission as graciously agreed to sponsor the Educator of the Year for Secondary and Postsecondary awards for 2025. Start preparing those application requirements. More details to come soon on our website.

Just remember it doesn't hurt to apply and it is ok to nominate yourself.


For a video peek of episode 94, click here.

94 Teaser

Launch Day John David Mann 61 AD CC 2

Launch Day John David Mann 61 AD CC 3

For our complete lineup of podcast or to subscribe go to

For video peeks of our launched episodes go to our Facebook page, cafemeetingplace


Mary Petersen, President, CAFÉ; Executive Editor, The Gold Medal Classroom
(410) 268-5542 (office)
(443) 994-8228 (cell)
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Lisa Parrish, Editor, The Gold Medal Classroom
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Mary Young, Administrative Assistant
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Paul Sorgule, Host, CAFETalks Podcast
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