CAFÉ Update January 3, 2022
04 January 20222021 Year in Review
2021 was a challenging year for all of us. We had to postpone both the Deans and Directors Retreat as well as our annual Leadership Conference for the second year in a row. Our goal was and continues to be how to link the foodservice classroom with the foodservice industry, so we had to “pivot” to some new ideas to fulfill our mission.
We created our “Coffee with CAFÉ” webinar series with a variety of industry trend presentations. They can be found on the YouTube channel under CAFEmeetingplace.
Our “CAFÉ Talks Podcast” series, published bi-weekly has been downloaded over 7,000 times! The variety of interviews is both interesting and relevant to you as well as your students.
We published 11 issues of our Gold Medal Classroom e-zine, found on our website, www.CafeMeetingPlace.com.
We awarded our annual industry-sponsored awards to 7 winners, 1 runner-up and 2 honorable mentions with a total cash prize of $9,500 given out.
Moving forward to 2022 we are looking forward to resuming our in-person conferences. The Deans and Directors Retreat will be a one-day event on June 22, 2022. The Leadership Conference will overlap this Retreat with all attendees welcomed at the Awards ceremony and opening night reception.
The Leadership Conference will include master classes, an Industry Outreach day, an InfoFair, and an Educational Best Practices Day. Dates: June 22-24. Location: Portland, Maine with Southern Maine Community College our host.
Watch for the registration link in the coming days.
We are hopeful that 2022 will be a year of our coming together to learn and to share our knowledge and wisdom regarding the foodservice future in industry as well as the classroom
Thank you for your support!
All the best from the CAFÉ team for the new year,
Mary Petersen, President
Mary Young, Administrative Assistant
Lisa Parrish, GMC Editor
Chase Ayres, webmaster
Agnieszka Hansen, graphic designer
Have you had a chance to sit with your beverage (Coffee? Tea? Other?) and listen to industry professionals share the newest trends with you?
Go to CAFÉ’s YouTube channel at CAFEmeetingplace to catch up.
Presenters and topics included:
A special thanks to our Coffee with CAFÉ series sponsor:

In 2021 we launched our Season 3 and Season 4 podcasts. Again, an amazing lineup of hospitality professionals for you AND YOUR STUDENTS to listen to.
Click here to access the full podcast lineup.
Click here to access the full podcast lineup.

Our last issue for 2021:
It is up and full of tremendous features and columns applicable to you/your program.
Click here to read December’s issue.
To look at all past GMC issues go to
www.cafemeetingplace.com/gold-medal-classroom or check out our GMC November Issue's 2021 Article Index, click here.
Secondary Educator of the Year, sponsored by Sysco
Chesterfield Career and Technical Center, Midlothian, VA
Postsecondary Educator of the Year, sponsored by Sysco
Richard Grigsby,
Florida State College at Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL
Postsecondary Educator of the Year, runner up, sponsored by Sysco
Jennifer Denlinger, Valencia College - Poinciana Campus, Kissimmee, FL
Community Outreach Award , sponsored by
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
Remy Robert,
New Orleans Culinary & Hospitality Institute (NOCHI), New Orleans, LA
Community Outreach Award, honorable mention,
sponsored by Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
Caroline Starry, Southern Smoke Foundation, Houston, TX
Technology Award, sponsored by Mercer Culinary
Debra Bates, Lancaster HS/Stanbery Career Center, Lancaster, OH
Technology Award, honorable mention, sponsored by Mercer Culinary
Ezra Eichelberger, The Culinary Institute of America, Hyde Park, NY
Green Award, sponsored by United Soybean Board
Jennifer Denlinger, Valencia College - Poinciana Campus, Kissimmee, FL
Entrepreneurship Award, sponsored by Kendall College
Elizabeth DeRose, Frederick Community College – HCTI, Frederick, MD
Innovation Award, sponsored by Idaho Potato Commission
Wook Kang, Kendall College, Chicago, IL
Crystal Award
Paul Sorgule, Harvest America