CAFE Weekly News

Dec 26, 2024, 12:46

CAFÉ Update September 27, 2021

27 September 2021
Our Upcoming Taste of CAFÉ Line Up
October 15th, hosted by The Culinary Institute of New York at Monroe College in New Rochelle, New York.
Winning Competitions
Culinary competitions provide excellent opportunities for faculty professional development, student skills development, team-building, camaraderie, school spirit and potential brand recognition for culinary programs. This workshop will explore the benefits of competition programs as extra-curricular opportunities for students in informal competitions in the classroom as well as potential scholarship opportunities for programs such as CCAP®, Prostart®, SkillsUSA® and medal opportunities in ACF-approved competitions. For instructors, competitions are potential opportunities for professional development and fulfillment of in-service training requirements. This workshop is intended for foodservice educators of all levels of education.
Registration Deadline is October 8th
Instructor: Dr. Frank C. Costantino CEC CCE CCA AAC, Assistant Vice President and Dean for The Culinary Institute of New York at Monroe College

October 16th (Saturday), hosted by Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts in Boulder, Colorado.
Farm to Table – Whole Animal Fabrication
Objectives: By the end of this session, participants will be able to 1. Identify steps in the fabrication of the whole animal. 2. Identify the primal and subprimal cuts of lamb. 3. Identify which sub primals applications/usage. 4. Identify tender vs tough(er) cuts and why. 5. Identify proper cooking techniques for each cut and why. 6. Determine proper cooking temperatures.
Registration Deadline is October 8th
Instructor: Chef Steven Nalls has been with Escoffier as an instructor since 2011.

October 16th (Saturday), hosted by Helms College in Augusta, Georgia with a second location at Wrights Farm in Grovetown, Georgia.
Culinary Agriculture
Objectives: By the end of this session, participants will be able to 1. Provide the benefits and challenges of local farming. 2. Understanding a variety of growing methods. 3. Soil nutrients and soil management. 4. Natural farming beneficials as pest control. 5. Proper harvesting techniques. 6. Cooking to feature natural ingredients and flavor. 7. Cooking methodology and techniques. 8. Plating techniques. 9. Incorporating farm to table in your curriculum introduction. 10. Student agriculture projects. 11. Local seasonal planting. 12. Planting schedule development. 13. Farmer’s Markets and financial benefits to fund your program.
Registration Deadline is October 8th
Peter Vossenberg M.Ed., CEC, CCE, CCA, AAC, CFBE, CHE, CS
Bruce M. Ozga M.Ed, CEC, CCE, CHE, AAC
Chef Kristina Dahl, CEC

For Taste of CAFÉ agenda/registration, click here

The Taste of CAFÉ event scheduled for October 8th has been rescheduled to December 3rd. This in-person event is hosted by Culinary Institute of Charleston in North Charleston, South Carolina.
Doing a Deep Dive into Umami:
Unlocking the culinary power of our fifth taste.
Instructor: Chef Christopher Koetke, CEC, CCE, HAAC Corporate Executive Chef at Ajinomoto Health & Nutrition North America, Inc.

Taste of CAFÉ 2021 Schedule of In-Person Events
10/15/2021 Winning Competitions in New Rochelle, NY
10/16/2021 Farm to Table – Whole Animal Fabrication in Boulder, CO
10/16/2021 Culinary Agriculture in Augusta, GA
10/22/2021 Sustainable Seafood in Gulf Shores, AL
11/05/2021 Food Recovery in Providence, RI
11/05/2021 Umami in Austin, TX
11/05/2021 Classic Cakes and Tortes in Orem, UT
11/12/2021 Knife Skills and Carving in Columbus, OH
11/19/2021 Elegant Chocolates Made Easy in Port Huron, MI

12/03/2021 Umami in North Charleston, SC
For information and registration, click here

Season 4 – CAFÉ Talks PodcastCurtiss Hemm 32 AD Teaser

Did you miss last week's launch of CAFÉ Talks Podcast Episode 32?
Paul Sorgule interviewed Chef Curtiss Hemm.
For a video peek, click here
To listen to full podcast, click here
Our next podcast, Episode 33, will launch on October 6th when Paul Sorgule interviews Chef Francois de Melogue. Keep a look out for the advertisement information coming soon.