CAFÉ Update August 30, 2021
30 August 2021Attention Teachers in CO, SC, NY, GA, AL, TX, RI, OH, MI, UT!!!
A Taste of CAFÉ is headed your way. These are one-day professional development events designed to help you learn and keep up to date with industry trends.
Topics include:
- High Altitude Baking
- Umami
- Winning Competitions
- Farm to Table/Whole Animal Fabrication
- Culinary Agriculture
- Sustainable Seafood
- Food Recovery
- Knife Skills and Carving
- Elegant Chocolates Made Easy
- Classic Cakes and Tortes
Registration is $99 (if you are a 2021 CAFÉ member you can use your $25 discount on this event. You must be logged into your CAFÉ account to receive the discounted rate.)
Your hosts are culinary arts programs and you will earn ACF continuing education hours.
For more information (dates, agenda, faculty) click here
To register (each event is limited to 20-25), click here
Questions? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Other CAFÉ professional development opportunities include:
- CAFEmeetingplace on YouTube
- Annual Deans and Directors Retreat—Stand by!!
- Annual Leadership Conference, June 22-24, 2022, Portland, Maine
- Journal for Culinary Education Best Practices (member subscription)