CAFE Weekly News

Mar 19, 2025, 20:42

CAFE Update September 19, 2018

01 October 2018

CAFE Publications

This past week CAFE published two publications:

September ezine cover photo

The Gold Medal Classroom which features both industry trends as well as educational best practices. GMC is free to any email subscribers. Sign up here to receive your monthly copy and be sure to let your peers (within your school or within your area) know about this community of culinary educators.

JCABP Logos FINAL smallThe Journal for Culinary Education Best Practices, which is offered to CAFE members, features the newest article having to do with effective ways to prepare and execute your lesson plans. You can join CAFE by clicking here. Examples of past articles include: “Secret Recipes for Engaged Classrooms” and Carcass Pedagogy: Enhanced learning in a culinary school butchery course”

How can you participate in these publications?

We are always open to your ideas and your guest columns for GMC. And we want your press releases on program events! Reach out to GMC’s editor, Lisa Parrish, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for guidance.

The Journal of Culinary Education Best Practices seeks academic articles that center on the advancement of techniques, ideas and innovations used in teaching culinary arts. For information on how to submit an article, click here.

Be a Part of the 2019 CAFE Leadership Conference

We are happy to announce the theme for the 2019 Conference: Culinary Education Revolution! Keeping our programs relevant, vibrant, and impactful. And we’re looking for presentations in three categories for the Educational Best Practices Day:

  1. Program Innovations—what’s new in how you are offering your program or working with other organizations to make your program evolve?
  2. Teaching Innovations—we know that there are new ways of teaching as well as new ways of learning. What are your experiences that you can share with other educators?
  3. Sustainability/Doing Good Efforts—this movement is here to stay. Let us know how your program has not only built in sustainability efforts as well as doing good outreach, but that they have proven results.

There will be three presenters in each of these categories. Your application to present should include: Your name, title, school/organization, contact information (phone and email) and a paragraph describing your one-hour proposed presentation.

Presenters do get $100 discount on their registration fee. The Conference is June 20-22, 2019, in Charlotte, NC. Please ensure that you will be able to be there!

Send your application no later than September 30 to Jon Deutsch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Mary Petersen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Help us build a fantastic event as we seek to share best practices among the community of foodservice instructors.


September 30, 2018
Leadership Conference Presenter Proposals Due

March 15-17, 2019
Deans and Directors Retreat, Charleston, SC

June 20-22, 2019
15th Annual CAFE Leadership Conference, Charlotte, NC