2022 Award Application for Student of the Year
Award Application for Student of the Year Award, sponsored by the Idaho Potato Commission through CAFÉ (Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education)
Deadline to be submitted is April 15, 2022. Award winner will be notified no later than May 1, 2022.
To be included in the Application:
- Name
- Address
- Email and Phone
- School presently attending (must be postsecondary)
- Application materials:
• Resume, indicating work experience, competitions (if any), courses completed, club or professional memberships, and individual accomplishments
• Essay of at least 100 words indicating career or professional goals
• 2 letters of reference from instructors, lab assistants, or department head
• 1 letter of reference from industry-related employment, volunteer or paid - Include with these materials that you are giving permission to use any of the information submitted in publicity about the Award.
- The winner of the Award will be expected to write two-short, one-hundred-word essays on the experience from the Harvest Tour. The essays should be accompanied with pictures and be formatted for publication in “The Gold Medal Classroom.”
The prize for the Student of the Year will be $1,000 cash to the winner as well as all expenses paid on the September 2022 Idaho Potato Harvest Tour.
SUBMIT APPLICATION TO This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with IPC Student Award Application in the subject line.