Sep 1, 2024, 8:26

From 2009 (4)

Lesson Plan: Maple—from Tree to Table

Friday, 04 September 2009 23:48
Courtesy of Québec Delegation Chicago for

It’s more than just a topping for pancakes.

This downloadable education guide in MS Word provides an overview of the production, grading and flavor of real maple syrup. Focuses of study include storage, cooking and baking, nutrition, a tasting sensory profile, a classroom activity, discussion questions and additional research and resources.

Upon completion of this guide and tasting, the student will have a basic understanding of maple-syrup production and maple products available, and will be able to differentiate real maple syrup from maple-flavored table syrups.

USA Rice in the Culinary Classroom

Sunday, 31 May 2009 22:52
By Andrew Schloss

Education is the mission of the USA Rice Federation, which is committed to supporting the professional growth of culinary students and future chefs. As the global advocate for all segments of the U.S. rice industry, the federation is made up of rice producers, millers and merchants—people who work with rice from the ground up and have a passion for providing high-quality products along with information that is reality-based and well tested.