CAFÉ Update January 6, 2025
06 January 2025MEET OUR 2025 CONFERENCE HOST!
Our 2025 Conference host is the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) – Allegheny Campus in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Chef Art Inzinga has presented before at several of our previous conferences and we are happy that he and CCAC have graciously agreed to host our upcoming conference.
Chef Art Inzinga, CCAC professor and coordinator of the Culinary Arts program was named Outstanding Industry Educator/Trainer/Coach by the Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association (PRLA). To read the full press release, click here.
The conference will be held in their Center for Education, Innovation & Training on the Allegheny Campus located just a little over 2 miles from our conference accommodations at the Westin Hotel.
For an interactive map of the Allegheny Campus, click here.
Mary Petersen
Executive Editor, Gold Medal Classroom
President, Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education
CAFÉ Mission: “To link the foodservice industry with the foodservice classroom.
- Innovative and Forward Thinking
- Hearing from other voices
- Sharing resources
- Keeping up to date with both industry and teaching trends
- Resource Rich Website
- Journal of Best Practices
- Monthly Magazine
- Bi-weekly Podcast
- Podcast Lesson Plans
- National and Local Events
- Discount to a CAFE Event
Now offering Individual, Institutional and Industry memberships.
For more information, click here.
Already a member? Renewal access available after January 1st
CAFÉ is excited to announce that the 2025 CAFÉ Awards information are now up on our website.
To view all awards go to
2025 Educator of the Year (Secondary & Postsecondary)
2025 Student of the Year Award
If you know a fellow teacher that would be great for an award you can nominate them or it is ok to nominate yourself. Just remember you have to apply to win.
Previous applicants and winners are encourage to apply.
Also, if you have a culinary/hospitality student that would like a wonderful opportunity, the Idaho Potato Commission will be offering their 3rd annual Student of the Year Award.

Our very first CAFÉ Talks Podcast was launched on June 30, 2020 and to date we have produced 97 episodes and have had almost 19,000 unique downloads. Our host, Paul Sorgule has spearheaded this podcast and has done a wonderful job. He has interviewed some of the most influential people in education, culinary classrooms, the foodservice industry, leadership, innovation, culinary history, and management – there is something for everyone to relish and use.
Have you thought about integrating the CAFÉ Talks Podcast into your student curriculum for an assignment? Have you thought "I really wish I could remember which podcast pertained to a certain subject?"
CAFÉ Mission: “To link the foodservice industry with the foodservice classroom.”
This is exactly what CAFÉ Talks Podcast strives to accomplish. Paul Sorgule, has created an organized chart that demonstrates where each interview might apply in your classrooms as assignments or a point of reference for faculty.
Click here to download your copy of the chart.
We could not have produced this podcast series if it wasn't for our sponsors who we thank very much for their continued support of CAFÉ.
For our complete lineup of podcast or to subscribe, go to
For video peeks of our launched episodes, go to our Facebook page, CafeMeetingPlace.
We hope you can utilize this tool in your classrooms!
Mary Petersen, President, CAFÉ; Executive Editor, The Gold Medal Classroom
(410) 268-5542 (office)
(443) 994-8228 (cell)
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Lisa Parrish, Editor, The Gold Medal Classroom
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Mary Young, Administrative Assistant
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Paul Sorgule, Host, CAFETalks Podcast
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