CAFE Weekly News

Dec 28, 2024, 2:35

CAFÉ Update November 21, 2022

21 November 2022
CHANGE for the Future

What is attracting students?Miscellaneous items 2

  • Your website?
  • Your follow up?
  • Your promises?
  • Your alumni?
  • Your cost?

Do you need to change?single pics Charleston SC web

The CAFÉ Conferences are designed to help you see things differently…to learn from your peers…to hear from industry…and to make changes as are necessary.

June 21-23, 2023 

Come to the CAFÉ conference in Charleston, South Carolina, hosted by Trident Technical College. Meet and greet…go to educational events…and enjoy one of the best food towns in America!

Registration and conference information, click here 
Hotel Information, click here and Hotel Direct Registration Link

Job Board

Looking for a new Job? Looking for new employees?

Go to

CAFÉ’s website has a job board. Postings are FREE. Let us know if you would like to post a listing.

CAFÉTalks Podcastcafe podcast logo final

Over 11,000 downloads! 

Check out CAFÉTalks podcasts. Wide variety of people speaking to you! And if you are interested in creating a lesson plan for any one or more, let us know. We’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse!

CAFÉ's Award Program

Award Categories:

 IPC Seal webEducator of the Year Award, sponsored by Idaho Potato Commission
 IPC Seal webStudent of the Year Award, sponsored by Idaho Potato Commission

Escoffier LogoCommunity Outreach Award, sponsored by the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts

USB logo

Green Award, sponsored by the United Soybean Board

rational logo

Kitchen of the Future Technology Award, sponsored by RATIONAL

kendall logo

Entrepreneurship Award, sponsored by Kendall College 

Application Information can be found at

We are grateful for the sponsorship of CAFÉ's Award program.

Important Dates

April 1, 2023 
Deadline to submit applications for CAFÉ Awards

May 19, 2023
Hotel Registration Cut Off, Charleston SC

June 20, 2023
Meet and Greet, Deans and Directors Retreat Happy Hour

June 21, 2023
CAFÉ Deans and Directors Retreat, Charleston, SC

June 21, 2023 – evening 
Awards Ceremony and Opening Night Reception for Leadership Conference

June 22-23, 2023
CAFÉ Leadership Conference, Charleston, SC