CAFE Weekly News

Mar 10, 2025, 21:13

CAFE Update June 22, 2020

21 June 2020

CAFE Champion Award

JCABP Logos FINAL small

The 2020 CAFÉ Champion Award recognizes Cathy Scruggs as this year’s honoree.
Cathy Scruggs is Director of Product Development for American Technical Publishers (ATP), and a true supporter of CAFE. She is a former culinary instructor, state supervisor, and curriculum specialist with over 30 years of instructional materials development experience. Cathy is a strong advocate of teaching strategies that integrate contextual math, science, and communication principles in career and technical education programs to ensure students will succeed in their careers.

Cathy has been attending and presenting at CAFÉ Leadership Conferences for more than a decade. She has supported our efforts in numerous ways and has given us guidance as to the changes and challenges in our world of culinary education.

We are sorry not to be presenting this recognition to her in person this year, but we are hoping to recognize her and her efforts at our 2021 Leadership Conference in Portland, Maine.

Cathy, thank you for your support and sharing your expertise among educators for many years. We appreciate all that you do which makes you our CHAMPION for 2020!

AL Badge Lamb BlackOutdoor Cooking - from Lamb Burger to Whole American Lamb - Featured in New Cooking Videos

American Lamb outdoor cooking is highlighted in a series of cooking videos on CIA ProChef. Cindy Pawlcyn, chef and founder of the Napa Valley’s Mustards Grill, shows us how she makes her famous BBQ American Lamb Burger, one of the signature dishes on her menu. And Learn how to cook a whole lamb over live fire from Chefs Stephen Barber and Kipp Ramsey of Farmstead Long Meadow Ranch. Click here to check out these and other American Lamb cooking videos and recipes at CIA ProChef.


Dr. Frank Costantino, CEC, CCE, CCA, AAC, from Monroe College in New York has some terrific videos on YouTube. Go to The Chef Doctor and watch his talking and demonstrating various techniques ranging from caramelizing onions to how to fabricate a chicken and his latest: Exploring Street Foods. Entertaining and educational!

cafe podcast logo finalCAFE Talks Podcast is Here

I just wanted to share with you that CAFE (The Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education) is launching a new podcast starting July 1st. Chef Paul Sorgule from Harvest America Ventures is the host and you just can’t believe the lineup of guests he has so far (hint: a Louisiana chef, restaurant owner, and television host is one of the early conversations).

Please go to and subscribe!

Don’t be left behind!