CAFE Weekly News

Mar 9, 2025, 1:53

CAFE Update April 7, 2020

21 April 2020

May 1 Deadline

The CAFÉ Awards are going forward for 2020. What does this mean?

  • Deadline for submission is May 1
  • Cash prizes will still be awarded in 2020
  • Comp registration to the 2021 Leadership Conference for the winners

Take the time…write about you/your program’s achievements and innovations and sustainability efforts and entrepreneurship.

Can you apply for more than one award? YES!

Click here for guidelines. Don’t wait! DEADLINE IS MAY 1!

Have you seen the April issue of The Gold Medal Classroom?

In addition to our outstanding group of columnists, you will see a feature article by our Editor, Lisa Parrish.

“GMC Compiles Online Culinary Strategies and Resources”

She highlights the stories which focused on three areas: moving classes online, what to teach in a digital environment, and how to teach in a distant learning setting.

Click here for this and other useful articles from our three Special Editions of GMC.

WOMANGOHave Some Fun and Win Some Prizes!

The National Mango Board is celebrating Women’s History Month by Calling All Women Leaders and Innovators in Foodservice

“What’s your Womango story?”

Mangos have appeared in global foodways dating back as far as 400 A.D., so it’s no wonder that they are a culinary staple, a satisfying comfort food, a symbol of friendship and love, and a fruit that inspires passion among the women who grow them and those who cook with them.

The National Mango Board celebrates the achievements of women in foodservice that push the boundaries of what’s possible, and invites you to share your first Womango encounter, most amazing mango experience, moment of sheer mango happiness, favorite mango recipe, or burning question about mangos.

Now for a dash of creativity: send your entry in the form of an anecdote, a poem, a tale, a limerick, a sketch or a drawing.

Two Womango winners, selected in a random drawing, will each be awarded one registration for the 2021 CAFÉ Annual Leadership Conference. Enter here by 11:59 p.m. on April 16, 2020. Winners will be notified by April 30.