CAFE Events

Mar 12, 2025, 5:45

Taste of CAFÉ: Culinary Educators Workshop

Sustainability in Culinary Education
Culinary Trends
Culinary Teaching Techniques

February 21, 2020
Auburn University
8:00AM - 3:00PM


244 Spidle Hall
8:00 - 8:30 Breakfast
8:30 - 10:30 Dr. Kuhn - Teaching Techniques
10:30 - 12:00 Ms. Plana - James Beard Foundation - No food waste curriculum

Tiger Dinning Hall
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 – 2:00 Glenn, Mike, Nelson - Sustainability Panel
2:00 – 3:00 Dr. Traynor - Culinary Trends & AU Culinary Program

Dr. Kuhn – Teaching Techniques
Associate Director, Biggio Center
Auburn University

Description of Presentation:
Instructional technologies change constantly, making it difficult for educators to decide what to try – is it a fad? Is it affordable? Will my colleagues use it? All these questions are valid, though one question remains most important: How does the technology help my students achieve their learning goals?
Working through the lens of backward design, we will use the SAMR model to explore instructional technologies to deliver content, communicate and collaborate, assess, and manage the class. The SAMR model provides a framework to think about how we use instructional technologies. Do we substitute without functional change? Do we augment with functional improvement? Do we modify as a significant task redesign? Or do we redefine, designing tasks that were previously inconceivable? We will have an opportunity to use one of your assignments to work through these four stages and what kinds of instructional technologies may be used.

Ms. Ana Plana, ME – James Beard Full Use Kitchen
Department of Nutrition, Dietetics, & Hospitality Management
Auburn University

Description of Presentation:
Introduce the James Beard Foundation Full Use Kitchen curriculum and hands-on no food waste cooking activity.

Sustainability Panel

Description of Presentation:
Key aspects of sustainability in the culinary arts Healthy, natural, organic foods

  • Locally/regionally produced
  • Local growers using environmentally responsible growing techniques
  • Farms paid and that pay a living wage, and where workers are respected and have safe working conditions
  • No GMO foods
  • Purchasing fair trade goods
  • Seasonal menus that reflect what is locally available
  • Minimizing food waste; composting
  • Waste diversion: recycling, reuse
  • Eliminating single-use items, polystyrene
  • Reusable items
  • Green cleaning methods
  • Pollution reduction and elimination
  • Energy and water conservation and efficiency
  • Energy Star appliances
  • Establishing gardens
  • Ongoing education and training
  • Sharing the sustainability story
  • More than any individual practice, it is a mindset in the kitchen; comprehensive behaviors and practices driven by core values, ethics, and sustainability principles.

Glenn Loughridge –
Director of Campus Dining @ Auburn University

Mike Kensler - Sustainability Panel
Director, Office of Sustainability
200 Langdon Annex
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nelson Wells – Sustainability Panel
Lifetime Natural Organic Farm
Local Farmer

Mark Traynor – Food Trends & AU Culinary Science Program Info
Associate Professor
Program Coordinator, Culinary Science
Nutrition, Dietetics, & Hospitality
Auburn University

Description of Presentation:

Chefs and food manufacturers are tirelessly trying to stay in touch with the evermoving target that is customers’ tastes and needs. Gaining an insight into the potential direction of customer trends helps with strategic planning and development. This talk will cover some of the basics of culinary trend track, providing useful information and sources to educate the culinarians of tomorrow. Topics to be covered include:

  • Trends Vs. Fads
  • Trend drivers
  • The culinary trend life cycle
  • The generational influence
  • Culinary trend tracking

Culinary Educators Workshop

Event Properties

Event Date 02-21-2020
Event End Date 02-21-2020
Registration Start Date 01-17-2020
Cut off date 02-20-2020
Individual Price Free
We are no longer accepting registration for this event