GMC Breaking News

Mar 31, 2025, 23:17
Chef Adam Weiner Receives the Antonin Carême Medal

Chef Adam Weiner Receives the Antonin Carême Medal

Named for the late chef Marie-Antoine Carême or “King of Chefs and Chef of Kings,” Chef Adam Wiener earns top medal.

Chef Adam Weiner received the ACF-San Francisco chapter’s prestigious Antonin Carême Medal during a black tie dinner held last month. 

Chef Weiner is the author of 50 Minute Classroom in CAFÉ’s “Gold Medal Classroom” as well as an instructor for JobTrain. In his 13 years with JobTrain, a non-profit organization that employs vocational training programs to assist people most in need, Chef Weiner has taught over 500 students not just how to cook, but how to work in a commercial kitchen.

According to the ACF, the Antonin Carême Medal program was founded by The Chefs Association of the Pacific Coast, Inc. (now the ACF-San Francisco Chapter) in 1969. The medal honors those rare individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the culinary profession, particularly to education and the advancement of gastronomy and the culinary arts. Recipients demonstrate unequaled culinary excellence along with the highest compassionate and humane qualities.

“As any teacher will tell you, the greatest satisfaction a teacher receives is when a student succeeds. What this means to me is having a graduate call me up and tell me that he or she is now a chef, sous chef or kitchen manager and that she or he needs to hire people. They tell me the best form of payback is to take a chance and hire one of my current students just as someone took a chance with them,” said Chef Weiner when accepting the award. 

The medal, bearing the likeness of Marie-Antoine Carême, was designed by the late chef-artist Jean Joaquin. Julia Child, Bradley Ogden, and Nuncio Alioto are just a few of the incredible culinary leaders who count themselves among the prestigious award’s past recipients.

Click here to read Chef Weiner’s “50 Min Classroom” article in this month’s GMC issue.

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