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CAFÉ Update October 24, 2022

24 October 2022


Complementary Services for all!

  • Twice-monthly Podcasts which you can enjoy AND which are relevant and appropriate for your students to listen to AND (some) even have lesson plans attached! To check out our line up of podcasts go to
  •—a resource RICH website with resources and information, again, appropriate for you and what you do.
  • CAFÉ’s YouTube Channel which houses some of the great webinars we produced during the Epidemic. Visit our channel at CAFEmeetingplace

Your Support is Appreciated!

MEMBERSHIP FUNDS HAVE KEPT FEES DOWN FOR registrations to the CAFÉ Deans and Directors Retreat as well as the annual Leadership Conference. There is an additional event discount for members BTW…and CAFÉ Members do get a subscription to the Journal for Culinary Education Best Practices.

If you are not a current member consider joining now…your membership will help keep these resources flowing and your membership will start right away going through to the end of 2023. 

We have individual rates, institutional rates, and industry rates.

Go to to JOIN!!

If you are a current member your membership will expire on December 31st and you will be able to renew your membership online on January 1st.


Tell your story! We have a day devoted to Educational Best Practices and would love to have you share some innovations that have been a part of your educational outreach.

Deadline is November 15th. Send a brief description as well as your bio to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with "Educational Best Practices" in the subject line.

BONUS!! Presenters received $100 discount on the conference registration fees.

Charleston SC picture webSpeaking of the annual events: We have just gotten the registration on line as well as the hotel information for our 2023 events in Charleston, SC.  Click here for more information. The agenda is in the works, but you know from previous years how attentive we are to your interests as culinary/ baking/ pastry/ hospitality instructors.

There were two BIG takeaways from this year’s conference: the interest in ideas in both recruitment and retention of students. These issues WILL BE ADDRESSED! As well as adaptive methods, diversity issues, and more!


Paul Sorgule has just completed his 56th Podcast! There is a remarkable variety of professionals he has interviewed in the last two years. And there have been over 10,000 downloads of these programs!

Check it out. Go to to scroll through the long list of fascinating folks in different roles affecting our educational industry. 

CAFÉ Talks Podcast ~ Season 6

Episode 56 which will launch on October 26, 2022

For a video peek of this episode, click here.

56 AD Teaser


We are grateful for the sponsorship of CAFÉ's Award program:

 IPC Seal webEducator of the Year Award, sponsored by Idaho Potato Commission

Escoffier LogoCommunity Outreach Award, sponsored by the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts

USB logo

Green Award, sponsored by the United Soybean Board

rational logo

Kitchen of the Future Technology Award, sponsored by RATIONAL

kendall logo

Entrepreneurship Award, sponsored by Kendall College 

Application Information can be found at

Important Dates

November 15, 2022   
Deadline to submit a workshop proposal for 2023 Conference

April 1, 2023 
Deadline to submit applications for CAFÉ Awards

May 19, 2023
Hotel Registration Cut Off, Charleston SC

June 20, 2023
Meet and Greet, Deans and Directors Retreat Happy Hour

June 21, 2023
CAFÉ Deans and Directors Retreat, Charleston, SC

June 21, 2023 - evening 
Awards Ceremony and Opening Night Reception for Leadership Conference

June 22-23, 2023
CAFÉ Leadership Conference, Charleston, SC